Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 06:21 pm

[info]sosuccsexy posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Jenny & Bastian.
Setting: Tuesday evening, in the Bainbridge library.
Content: Jen and Bas bump into each other in the library after a rousing meeting of Wizards Chess.
Rating: SFW.

Jenny had rushed through dinner without even really eating in order to get to the club meeting for Wizards Chess on time. It was the second meeting of the year, and as soon as it finished up after it's usual hour, the blonde was on the move again. She wasn't even sure if she had won or not.

Not for the first time since returning to school the week before, Jenny was vaguely wondering if she had piled her plate too high this year. It seemed like Sera's overachiever attitude was rubbing off on her more than ever, and now here she was in more clubs and advanced classes than she could count. On top of that, she had actually gotten Head Girl and cheerleading captain. Discipline of her peers and planning and arranging practices added on top of everything else was almost enough to make her bust, but she just kept reminding herself that it would all pay off in the end.

Everything that she did would look good on a transcript, even if she only went to Blue Ridge's university. She wanted to be the first choice to get into that Wizarding Literature course even if it killed her before then.

She was as quiet as possible, moving between the stacks and shelves of books and grabbing up a couple of books that she needed for her advanced Divination extra-credit assignment. But while she was there, she decided she might as well grab the rest of the textbooks that she would need to do her homework before bed. With her arms overly full, she made her way over to the closest table and dropped them with a dull thud. Two students nearby looked up from what they were doing, but whether it was because they recognized her as Head Girl or not, they went back to what they were doing with just irritated looks her way.

Looking to the boy actually sitting at the table, Jenny offered an apologetic smile. "Sorry," she mock-whispered. "Heavy," she added jovially enough, before slowly beginning to pick her books back up again.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry