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Book Club: Book 5 [Jun. 29th, 2010|08:15 pm]
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VOTING IS NOW OVER! Please do not submit any more votes. If you missed the deadline, I'm sorry. :(

A Study In Scarlet
by Arthur Conan Doyle

Total Votes in Poll: 2
Total Pages: 112 pages
Publisher: HardPress Publishing Average Rating: 4.2 stars

In the debut of literature's most famous sleuth, a dead man is discovered in a bloodstained room in Brixton. The only clues are a wedding ring, a gold watch, a pocket edition of Boccaccio's Decameron, and a word scrawled in blood on the wall. With this investigation begins the partnership of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Their search for the murderer uncovers a story of love and revenge-and heralds a franchise of detective mysteries starring the formidable Holmes.

Other Information

You have the next 4 weeks to acquire and read this book. On July 27 the discussion post will be open and we will start our next Book Club book. The discussion post will officially close after two weeks, but if you're in the middle of discussing an aspect of the book with another person, you're allowed to post as much as you want within it. The suggestions post for the next book will be posted on July 13 so mark your calendars! We plan on having both the suggestions post and voting post done before July 20.

Please understand that the date we start a particular book is not the date you must buy it. Remember, you have 4 weeks to read each book in preparation for the discussion post. If you want to buy the book right away and read it in one sitting, that's fine. It's equally as fine if you want to wait until the last week and buy and read it then. We will plan on having at least one full week before the actual start date of a book in which you will know what the book is and be able to purchase it, but the way you go about this is entirely up to you. I'm only bringing this up because a couple of people have expressed confusion about whether they'll have time to get the book and read it before the discussions.

If anyone has any questions please let us know!

ALSO! Take pictures with your book and post them to this post and I will add them to the layout!
The discussion post for Brave New World will start on the 6th. Hopefully I'll have it up on time, but I'm currently in Ohio after driving here from Ohio and by the 6th I might be back in the car driving west again. But.. I will have internet access in hotel rooms, so we'll see what I can do!

From: (Anonymous)
2011-05-31 05:57 am (UTC)



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