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Brave New World Discussion [Jul. 6th, 2010|04:55 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]charade
2010-07-12 06:05 pm (UTC)


a. What was your favorite part of Brave New World?
i don't think i have a favorite part. like how [info]keyblade compared it to a rollercoaster, there's nothing that really sticks out. i feel like it's either a book where everything's relevant to you and you like it all or you don't like it at all and therefore don't like a particular part.

b. What was your least favorite part of Brave New World?
what i said above. but i guess maybe all the times bernard would go to helmholtz and talk to him in a way that sounded like he felt superior to everyone else.

c. How many stars would you rate this book?
3.5 out of 5

d. Were there any quotes that stuck out to you? Why?
i guess the slogans that were used for hypnopaedia. mainly because they were just funny and repeated so many times, you got to memorize them too.

5. Why isn’t death terrible for those in the civilized world? What does this mean for the individual?
it's not terrible because everyone can be replaced. there's no such thing as an individual. society as a whole is important. "everyone belongs to everyone."

8. What would you consider to be a utopia?
i honestly don't know if i can really answer this, because i consider myself very realistic, so thinking of utopia when you know it will never exist is weird. i guess utopia would be lack of poverty, lack of discrimination, lack of violence and a lot of respect for each other.