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Suggestion Post #6 [Jul. 13th, 2010|04:55 pm]


If you're reading A Study in Scarlett please suggest discussion questions in this post, as well as suggesting a new book.

Suggesting a new book:

All comments will be screened. Comment with the name and author of your book choice. The book must not be more than 600 pages. Once we have a suggestion from everyone, we will put up a Voting Post. The book can be of any genre, but it must be widely available. Something your Aunt Bertha wrote and self-published wouldn't be easily acquired by everyone in the community and should not be suggested, regardless of how amazing you think it is. Please submit only one book suggestion. If you need help with finding out how many pages are in your book, Amazon offers all the information necessary.

You may suggest books until July 16th, at which point we will put up the voting post to decide which of the suggestions will be read.

And don't forget! You can review other books you're reading! Check out how to do that in the sidebar.

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