31 March 2009 @ 01:10 am
Basically everything i've made since last fall or so.....you know the rules.

Series you'll see:
Animal Crossing
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Hamasaki Ayumi
Final Fantasy IV: The After
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Metal Gear Solid
Phoenix Wright
Resident Evil
The World Ends With You

i should update more often... )
Current Music: Chrono Cross - Fragements of Dreams
13 June 2008 @ 10:39 pm
Icons: Old Batch #2  
Series this time:
03 x World of Warcraft
03 x Soul Calibur III
04 x Rachel Yamagata
03 x Hamasaki Ayumi
08 x King of Fighters

why do we always collide? )
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Anna Tsuchiya - LUCY