
DC Universe RPG - Rooftops of Gotham (Bruce)

About Rooftops of Gotham (Bruce)

Previous Entry Rooftops of Gotham (Bruce) Dec. 14th, 2012 @ 09:45 pm Next Entry
Catwoman made her way over the rooftops of Gotham's East End. It had been a fairly good night for her. She'd rescued a little girl from a gang of kidnappers and returned her home safely to her parents, broken up a few muggings, and broken up an attempted bank robbery. All in all, a good night for Selina.

She'd also taken a stop at one of the clubs owned by the Falcone crime family. Some valuable jewels were being hidden in the office safe, and Selina couldn't pass up an opportunity to steal something shiny and pretty from someone who really didn't deserve it.

Besides, it was for a good cause. The money she'd get from the diamonds were going towards a women's shelter in the East End. The women there needed warm blankets and food more than the Falcones needed blood more money.
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Date: December 15th, 2012 01:17 am (UTC)
In the dark of the night there's a brief movement in the shadows that experienced Gotham night-people might recognize as the scalloped cape of a certain vigilante.

And it was certainly headed after her.
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Date: December 15th, 2012 01:25 am (UTC)
And she was having such a good night, too.

Catwoman smirked, continuing to leap along the rooftops. The chase was the best part, after all.
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Date: December 15th, 2012 01:59 am (UTC)
The shadow follows after her, closing the distance pretty well while only letting her catch glimpses of the cape.

But they both knew who this was, and even though he pretended for years he didn't enjoy their chases...they were actually his favourite ones.

It's not long before a familiar shaped shadow is almost on top of her. That's always when the chases got interesting.
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Date: December 20th, 2012 10:20 pm (UTC)
Selina always enjoyed the chases the best. Even if he always caught up to her in the end. It was still fun.

Catwoman continued leaping over rooftops, until she was close to her apartment. Then she'd leap down off the roof, and through an open window, right into her bedroom.
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Date: December 21st, 2012 06:22 am (UTC)
It's no surprise that the bat-shadow follows and she soon has the scalloped-caped figure looming in her bedroom in front of the window.

"You'll be returning those Selina."
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Date: December 30th, 2012 03:44 pm (UTC)
"Yes, I will, Bruce." Selina said, smirking a bit. "To the woman's shelter I'm donating them to."
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Date: January 2nd, 2013 03:14 am (UTC)
"That's not returning," Batman frowned. "And delivering stolen goods to a shelter isn't helping them, it's giving them tainted money and unexplained revenue to account for in paperwork. That's not going to get overlooked. What you're doing isn't helping them."

He just gives her his signature look and holds out his hand.
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Date: January 2nd, 2013 06:42 pm (UTC)
Selina sighed. "Falcone stole these. It's not bad if he didn't earn them honestly in the first place."
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Date: January 8th, 2013 12:55 am (UTC)
"They won't be returned to Falcone. They aren't his either." Once again that hand he's holding out is indicated for her to return the jewels. "This won't help the shelter Selina." They both knew there was no question about him not turning her in, he never had and never would. Call it a weakness, one he'd never admit to anyone, but since day one something had been different with the cat-burglar, and the years since hadn't changed that.
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