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Dresden Academy

And so it ends...

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adelaide: not happy
Who: Adelaide Legaux and Luka Nikitin
What: They get their talk on after fighting at Abby's birthday party.
Where: Addy's room in the University dorms
When: Right after this.

Addy put her phone down with a massive sense of unease. Luka said he was coming over so they could talk, but he didn't read the least bit happy about it. Which didn't bode well for the conversation they were going to have. Or more likely, she realized with a sinking sensation, a fight. And that in turn put her on edge, which meant they would probably fight now even if they weren't going to before. She really, really didn't want to fight.

The entire problem with their relationship was how it put their friendship on the line. It made everything that was going on so much more complicated than if they weren't friends, especially seeing as she valued him as a friend and didn't want to lose him. Not like this. She was having so much trouble seeing how she wouldn't, though.

By the time she wondered if she could ambush Bernadine into telling her how it was going to go down, it was too late, and there was a knock at her door.

He was dreading this conversation, but he simply couldn't ignore it any longer.

The rest of his vacation was spent locked in his own bedroom, occasionally drunk, constantly battling his thoughts. He didn't know what triggered his fight response, but it was hit hard.

He didn't want to lose Addy over this; he was kicking himself that she'd been right about his certain ability to fuck everything up eventually. He knocked and waited, every sensible thing he'd dreamed up to say already escaping him.

She was up and at the door in a moment to let him in, anxious to have this talk whether it went well or terribly. The basic fact of the matter was simply that it needed to happen. Whatever the result.

She opened the door and retreated to sit at the head of her bed. "Do you want to sit?" She asked, though it was more of a suggestion than a question. She was curious to see if he'd join her or sit across the other side of the room at her desk, figuring that he'd sit with her if he really felt like talking, or away from her if he was pissed. That made sense, right?

He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the door frame in answer. "So," he said quietly. He wasn't as mad at her as he was the night of the party. Having had some time to think it over and get his head back into working order, he figured there was a lot of other nonsense going on in his head that seemed to take precedence over their fight.

Really pissed, then. He didn't even come into the room. She pulled her knees up to her chest and looked at the floor instead of at him. "So," she repeated. "You got home fine."

"Yeah," he replied. He looked behind him to their noisy suitemates wandering in and then stopping to watch the drama unfold. He frowned at them and closed the door, pressing his back to it. "Nosy bitches," he mumbled and cast muffliato on the door with the barest twist of his wand. "Listen, Addy..." he started, but he stopped himself because he hadn't really figured out the best plan of action. Keep it simple and painless right?

She waited, listening, but it seemed as though he'd changed his mind about finishing that sentence. So, she decided to forge ahead. "You get why I was pissed, right?"

No. "Yeah." He was glad he had a certain talent for lying. "Do you understand why I was mad?"

"No, I don't." She could maybe understand jealousy if she and Tim had done anything but have the world's most stilted conversation as soon as he showed up, and the hug that had supposedly sent Luka into a rage was the most awkwardly uncomfortable thing she'd ever done and couldn't possibly have inspired anything more than secondhand embarrassment.

He frowned at her because he didn't know if he could explain. If she hadn't just magically understood it there was no way he could pull together the right words. Then why are we even talking? "This isn't going to work," he said instead. Simple. Not as painless as he hoped.

She frowned back. "I guess not." She had hoped maybe he would explain why he was mad, but he didn't want to talk to her even that much. Would just rather be done with her. Well, fine. See if I care. She was mildly offended. "So I guess we're over then."

He inhaled so slowly it felt like time had stopped. He didn't think she'd agree so easily, but maybe she was still terribly mad at him for clobbering some guy she was 'just friends' with. Not going to fight for us then? He waited a moment, thinking maybe she'd add something or change her mind, but there was just a stony wall of silence and he could feel their friendship cracking underneath the pressure of the very stupid thing he'd done. "Okay then," he said quietly and pushed open her door before she could see the tears that had welled up in his eyes.
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