Dresden Academy

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Dresden Academy

Nathaniel Dawkins
There was always a handful of students who didn't know what they wanted to do. They tended to need a bit of coaxing and gentle reminders of what they were good at to get them to decide what they really wanted.

"Have you thought about what you'd like to do after university? It might help us narrow in on what you should study." She'd studied two semesters of Transfiguration; he wondered if she wasn't hitting a wall in terms of what she could learn independently.

He also opened up her folder to look at her previous recommendations. Obviously Transfiguration was the natural choice given the glowing review she'd received from Professor Anderson. Her DADA and Astronomy results were only okay, but she could certainly try them again now that she was a bit older.

"You have options, Miss Legaux," he said optimistically. "It simply depends on which area you'd like to focus on next."
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