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Dresden Academy
Faculty Journal

September 30th, 2011

[info]loudandclose10:40 am

Riley clearly loves her, because they are obnoxious hypocripsters cut of the same organically-farmed hemp cloth. And also because they were created to be a pair FUNNY THAT xD

Steven might be in Cultural Magic with her, but he probably spends the entire class ROLLING HIS EYES at the way she thinks she's so ~open minded and knows all this crap about other cultures but is really just resting on ye good old stereotypes. SIGH.

Cinna tries not to eat offensive foods around her! However, Phoenix is good at finding ways to be offended at everything xD They might have gotten into a fight over leather shoes ('but YOU'RE wearing them!') before. Oh the hilarity, Cinna is everything Phoenix hates and SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT.

Adelaide is pretty indifferent. She's definitely punched Phoenix's BFF Riley square in the face before, so it's entirely possible that they're enemy-of-my-friend enemies. We will have to see which side the hipsters took on the Asshat McFuckface issue!

... and Jacob is just insane so she might enjoy the Test Lab. Though there are stuffed animal corpses, DENIED the proper burial they deserve!

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