18 January 2009 @ 03:23 am
Hello Loves,

The list has been updated. If you feel I have missed a claim of yours or there is something wrong with the list, please feel free to let me know. I will fix it quickly.

Thank You,

Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: Nobody's Fool .:. Cinderella
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Goddess Rising From Ashes ღ Rebirth of Destruction: Anzu .:. 24[info]utena on February 6th, 2010 08:06 am (UTC)
Thank you hun. I honestly appreciate it especially with so much going on here right now. Doing it right now.
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: ASSCRD Altair YAAAAAAY[info]kiokushitaka on February 6th, 2010 08:07 am (UTC)
Sweeeeeeeeeeet. :D
Goddess Rising From Ashes ღ Rebirth of Destruction: Anzu .:. 50[info]utena on February 6th, 2010 08:08 am (UTC)
You have control now. Thank you again hun.