{a pain i'm used to}

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INDESTRUCTIBLE | works by Arashi

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inara ♦ spark of sanity
Title: Love and Filth
Characters: Meg, Diana {both Rule of Rose}
Pairing?: Yes.
Wordcount: 410
Prompt: -
Rating: PG
Warnings: Reference to arson
Synopsis: Meg is in love with Diana. Diana, however, naturally, does not like her. This doesn't stop Meg from professing love from Diana; Diana writes about this in a journal.

Day 1:

Every day is exactly the same with us. I wish it would change, but it never does. I’m so sick of her. I’m sick of her latching on to me, I’m sick of her behaving the way she does. She’s worse than filthy Jennifer.

Today, though, she did maybe the worst thing she's ever done. Today, I lost track of my journal. Fortunately, Eleanor found it for me. There, I found, between the pages, the most offensive, filthy, horrible thing I've ever seen. It was a love letter from her to me! She drew a picture below the message showing us as... goats. This was especially horrid not only because of its very nature, but because of the fact that it proved that she'd taking my journal! I can not believe this!

I must have my revenge. I think I'll set her goat doll on fire. Perhaps that will make my message clear.

Day 2:

Today is worse than yesterday. I set fire to the goat. She saw me do this, I know. Unfortunately – perhaps, though, as I should have expected – she didn't get the message. If anything, I think the reaction that burning the goat elicited was exactly opposite to what should have happened. This is most frustrating, and I'm quite sick of her behaviour. I'd even rather that it were Jennifer who were attracted to me! At least she wouldn't act this way.

Day 3:

Today is worse than yesterday. Today, she has begun to be quite kind to me. It's rather disturbing. I don't understand why she's behaving this way... I'd think that, by now, she would get it. I find it hard to tolerate this kind of behaviour. Why? Why? Why are you acting this way?

I dread meeting with the other Aristocrats. I know first-hand that her grip is almost inescapable, and I fear—

Day 4:

This is as much as I'm taking. It is perhaps a hundred times as much as I could take. I am now even beginning to envy Jennifer, that is how low I'm feeling! I just want her to go away, I'm so very sick of her behaviour. She refuses to obey me when I tell her to cease. Is she suicidal? I refuse to be treated this way. This bastardisation of justice will not go unpunished; however, I cannot find anything appropriate. Are our feelings...?

No. That's stupid. It would never happen, not in a million years.
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