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Wednesday, January 30th, 2008
11:12p - For better or for worse ♫

dear tora.
Even now, I can't point my finger at what exactly attracted me on you to do my best just to become a good friend of yours, but let me say, that I'm happy for it. Things haven't been really easy on you and you often doubt yourself for no reason at all, but let me reassure you that I'm here for you on the long run. Even before we were this close, I knew I could trust you with my life and tell you everything that was on my mind. Somehow you always manage to cheer me up, make me feel good about myself and really make me wibble. I'm here with and for you, on every step you'll make and I'll never judge you for anything you do or say. I believe you call it unconditional love, right? Me and you get along in ways that are hard to describe. But let me just say this, I love every little piece of you. Always did and always will. .
So what do you say Tora, will you marry me?
~ Your Hiroto

current mood: happy
current music: alice nine ♪ cosmic world

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