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[Mar. 15th, 2010|08:50 pm]


Who: Germany, Prussia, Austria, North Italy
Where: Germany's place
When: Evening round about dinnertime
Warnings: I suppose Prussia is a warning of his own.
Open/Closed: Open!

The front door slammed, which was only the beginning of the noises that filled the house. There was barking, clamoring, stomping, swearing, laughing, all mixed together in a way that seemed almost symphonic in it's disaster like quality. "Oiiiii!! Weeeest!!!! We are baaaack!" Gilbert called out obnoxiously as though his brother was unable to hear himself or the three dogs he had on a leash when they had arrived.

He laughed as the dogs clamored around his feet barking happily before they pulled him towards the kitchen and the smell of food and undoubtedly his brother. Gilbert and the dogs burst through the kitchen door, looking a mess. All four beasts were wet and muddy, with bits of grass on various parts of them. He beamed cheerfully at his brother "We're home!" he said before looking down at the dogs jumping at his knees, only making him muddier. He started to coo and make faces at them, turning the conversation to the excited animals. "Yes we are! Yes we are! We are home!" he offered to them as he reached down to pet them with his free hand.

"What are you making? It smells really awesome! Oh and it looks like you are making a lot! That's good! You and I must be on the same brainwaves or something!" he said, looking back to his brother. He would just leave it at that, his brother didn't have to know every detail of his outing with the dogs.

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