記憶したか?// Bad Person™
13 February 2010 @ 02:49 am
:'] You guys. I love you all, you know that?
It hit me like a tidal wave. )

You have until Sunday to get your votes in. I'll have your next theme up in a jiffy!
Current Mood: calm
記憶したか?// Bad Person™
13 February 2010 @ 03:06 am
Word; meme
I WANT ICONS OF MEMES. Be it 4chan memes or pixiv memes or lolcats or whatever. Since I have no life, I know pretty much every meme ever. So make me some super silly icons of your favorite internet meme!

Some templates for those who want them:
Awesome Face
Kamina Glasses
Shoop da Woop!

Lyrical; Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Lyrics. )

Rules recap;
01. Icons must be under 40KB, gif, png, or jpg in format, 100x100px or less.
02. You can use fanart, but please link to either the original image or the artist's page.
03. Do not advertise your icons until the the voting for this submission week is over.
04. Icons must be made for this submission post and not be recycled.
05. If you use the lyrical theme, please use three consecutive words.
06. You may submit up to two (2) icons.

Icons are due to this screened post Friday, February 19th at 11PM EST. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

Submission format:
Current Mood: calm