Dresden Academy

The Queen and the Bishop

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Dresden Academy

The Queen and the Bishop

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Irene Hulett
Who: Irene Hulett and her informant
When: Tuesday, August 2nd
Where: The informant's office
What: Irene discusses her plans (albeit vaguely)
Rating: SFW

Irene settled into the chair across from her informant. "She was none too pleased that I'd seen the letter."

Her informant shook his head. "This game won't end well."

"It's not a game." Irene leaned back comfortably and stretched a bit. "If she suspects anything you'll be the very last person she points a finger toward."

"I'm not worried about myself," he replied. "I'm worried about the students."

Irene's smile ticked upward a notch. She offered him a considering gaze before tilting her head up. Her eyes settled on a painting on the wall in his office. It was new, like he intended to reside in this office for the next school year. Either he was cocky or he'd already met with Jillian about his position at the school. "If they can't defend themselves then we haven't done a very good job of teaching them, have we?"

"Will it get to that point?"

"If we're to oust her, it has to." Irene looked toward his office door at a passing shadow, probably just another faculty member making the summer rounds. A month left until the students returned; some of the higher strung professors were already back in the buildings checking their supplies and reordering books for the next semester. She let her breath go when it was clear the hallway lurker was gone. "The trick is finding a way to do it so that our hands aren't soiled."

He drummed his fingers on his desk, almost nervously. "Just how do you plan to do that?"

"Perhaps the less you know the better for both of us." The truth was that she didn't know yet. An opportunity hadn't presented itself. She stood and nodded at him. "We'll speak again soon." She touched her nose. "Any news you hear..."

"I'll pass it your way," he promised and watched as she left. Doubt and worry chased around in his mind, but he'd consigned himself to helping Irene months ago. He couldn't ditch this wild plan to remove her sister from power now.
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