Dresden Academy

Busted! [Backdated to Saturday]

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Dresden Academy

Busted! [Backdated to Saturday]

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adelaide: dance
Who: Adelaide Legaux and Alistair Burke
What: Someone failed at being bad undercover and was caught by another someone
Where: A bush in the gardens between Clemons House and the University Dorms
When: Late night, Saturday 19th November
Rating: Likely PG (unless you're seriously offended by underage drinking, then... get a life)

Two wins in two weeks by the previously ailing Clemons Quodpot Team had Adelaide in an extraordinarily good mood. It wasn't just House Pride at stake-- as assistant coach, she took it as a personal insult when the team failed to perform to her expectations. For two wins in a row, well, everyone had to be rewarded.

After a raucous and almost violent team celebration in the locker rooms the team and supporters adjourned to the Clemons Common Room where little supervision was ever exercised, and smuggled contraband could pass freely. This of course, would prove to be the cause of many a headache and walks of shame the morning after, and on the St George's Way trip on Sunday The Test Lab would surely do a roaring trade in half-cocked hangover cures.

The Clemons faithful partied late into the night, pausing only briefly to try and look innocent when Professor West popped his head in at curfew and pretended to have absolutely no idea what his students were quite obviously doing. When the bottles ran dry and Dean started to look as though he was going to rip somebody's head off (he was always the first to get out of hand) the party disbanded, and everyone slunk back to their respective rooms.

Which was easy enough for the upperclassmen. Adelaide had to navigate her way back to the university dorms, which became a very dangerous and complex task after a few too many firewhiskey shots. The path had most definitely become far more labyrinthine and treacherous than in daylight hours, and she was certain that those steep, jagged cliffs she had just braved had been stairs only hours earlier. It was with great surprise then that she showed up to her dorm to find that it had somehow been transformed into a small hedge. She fell over it with a short yelp, landing rather uncomfortably in a flowering shrub. Utterly defeated, she let out a pathetic little whimper and pulled the hood of her jacket up over her head to sleep right there.
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