Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

March 15th, 2012

(no subject) @ 10:10 pm


Characters: Sam and Ichirou
Setting: Ichirou's office on Friday morning after Sam visited Tatum
Rating: SFW
Content: Sam informs the headmaster of his blunder

He certainly didn't feel any better, he knew he should have. Tatum was alive and the was the least he could have asked for but he had changed her forever. Forever was a concept he was struggling to understand. For him the curse seemed a punishment for not being able to save Felix but to inflict it upon someone else... he had never meant for that to happen, he had never meant to let it got so out of control. It nearly brought him to his knees just thinking of the damage he alone had cause. After visiting Tatum and explaining as best he could about what had happened the night before and what the future would hold for both of them, he tucked her back into her little bed and sped back to campus. The headmaster needed to know what he had done.

Walking up to Ichirou's office he was glad that the door was open, not that he expected anyone else on campus to even be awake that early. Still, he knocked on the doorway and stood on the threshold awkwardly.

Ichirou knew. Sometimes his visions came to him in secretive codes that he could decipher just in the nick of time, but last night's vision had hit him like a truck and it was too late to stop anything. Sam had transformed again and this time he had attacked Tatum. He had been expecting Sam all morning. "Come in Mr. Ruiz," he said just a bit more sleepy than usual. He sipped on his coffee which had gone cold at that point and looked at the cup distastefully. "I should have brought the thermos," he sighed.

Sam sat awkwardly on the edge of his seat, his foot tapping nervously. "I've done something headmaster," he said, his voice shaking.

"You haven't done anything Sam. The wolf is responsible for the attack on Tatum last night."

"And I'm responsible for the wolf," Sam interjected, slamming his own hand against his chest. "I should have taken the wolfsbane potion, I should have locked myself up better but I didn't. I escape from under King's Hall and I hurt someone. I hurt my best friend. I ripped her apart," he felt sick just talking about it, admitting it all aloud. This was his fault. "You need to expel me sir," he said quietly.

"And why would I do that?" he asked leaning forward.

"I don't deserve to be here, I am a danger to everyone here. I'm a danger to other students and I don't... I can't walk past that place every day and just know what I did. I almost killed my best friend."

"And you'll take precautions not to do it again," Ichirou said inclining his head. "I know dear boy that when I spoke to your father he said you could go home for the full moon cycle and run with him and if that is what is necessary for you and Miss Donnelly, then you will go home for the full moon. I have seen what wolfsbane potion does Sam and it is not pretty. I understand that you go through an immense amount of pain because of it and for so long you were burdened with that. If there is an option that is less painful then I suggest you look into it. Speak with your father this weekend at the fundraiser..."

"But headmaster!" Sam interrupted. "I attacked someone! I could hurt people!"

"For one night, once a month," he said holding up one finger. "We will not let it happen again."


"Are you going to let one night ruin the rest of your life? Are you going to let a little thing like the moon control you?" Ichirou asked gently. "I will not. Now come on, I will get you some hot chocolate, we'll go to that little bakery down the street, perhaps picked up a small parcel for Miss Donnelly, for when she's feeling better of course. I heard dark chocolate does wonders as a countermeasure for any weakness left behind after this sort of thing," he said standing from his desk.

Sam got up from the chair and followed numbly behind the older man as they their way to the parking lot together. He didn't think his day could get any weird than it already was.
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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry