Speaker For The Diodes - QotD

Nov. 5th, 2008

05:25 am - QotD

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[I try to schedule quotes far enough in advance that I don't need to worry about whether I've remembered to pick one for the next day. Today's, I waited until I knew the winner of yesterday's election to pick. And between finding out that answer and sitting down to edit the QotD queue, multiple worthy candidates crossed my screen. So here are three, still fresh.]

As reported by boston.com reader LynahFaithful, 2008-11-04:

"Overheard in line today in Roxbury:

Polling place volunteer, to a woman in the long line behind me: "Have you been waiting a long time?"

Woman's reply: "About 200 years."

(thanks to [info] siderea for pointing it out)

"America, the great melting pot, where we can show both how progressive and bigoted we are in one trip to the voting booth." -- [info] fuzcat, reacting to the election of Barack Obama on the one hand, and the passage of anti-(same-sex)marriage initiatives on the other, 2008-11-05

[info] acroyear70 reported a conversation late on 2008-11-04:

A friend: So barring any changes due to recounts, lawsuits, etc., our next President is going to be a black man. I wonder what Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks would say about that.

Me: So barring any changes due to recounts, lawsuits, etc., our next President is going to be a person who had a mother of one "race" and a father of another. I wonder what Mildred Loving would say about that.

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