Dresden Academy

Backdated: 15 Pages

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Dresden Academy

Backdated: 15 Pages

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Who: Abernathy and Mother Criss
When: Backdated to Wednesday April 11, after class
Where: The advanced Divination classroom
What: Abernathy returns to Mother Criss with Bernadine's answer.
Rating: SFW.

Abby had been waiting for Bernadine's response to Mother Criss' instructions with as much patience as she could muster. Which in all honesty, wasn't much. When the crystal shard was finally owled back to her Wednesday afternoon with fifteen pages of handwritten notes attached, Abernathy practically ran all the way to Mother Criss' classroom.

She forgot to knock as she made her way in and found a very cross, very old woman with an upraised eyebrow and pursed lips. She passed the package to her and plunked into a chair to wait.

"That won't be necessary Miss Ford," Mother Criss pronounced. She fingered the packet of notes and set the shard of crystal ball on the table beside her. "Should these prove useful I'll contact Dr. Dawkins myself." There was no use continuing to go through a middle man who held such disdain for her practice.

Abby stood slowly. "If you insist," she said with a frown. But this was important and she wanted to know.

"I am certain your sister will inform you the moment I've made a decision."

And with that sentiment she was dismissed; there was no denying it. She shuffled off back to her room and waited for word, pretending for a little while to do her homework.
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