Dresden Academy

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Dresden Academy

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rhys - sadface
Who: Rhys and Alistair
When: Monday
Where: Dresden Academy/St George's Way
What: A search for alcohol
Rating: SFW

This day was always a challenge for Rhys. For most Wizardfolk in the UK the day started with memorials and ended with celebrations. He and his family attended both, with their own private gathering during the day. Some years the memorial was hard and the celebration easy, whilst other years it was the opposite. He did tend to find it easier to celebrate his sister’s bravery and sacrifice, and the path she had given him in life.. but there was that part he’d tried to lock away - the guilt he had felt when he found out she had perished. It was something he had never properly dealt with, and that had an effect on the way he mourned. Not that acknowledging those feelings would change anything or even make it easier.. but it was a burden, and one that was obviously particularly heavy on this day.

He and Alistair had arrived at the academy the night before. Rhys had only unpacked the bare minimum before crashing, but he awoke relatively early and pottered about - putting bits and pieces away until it was around the time he had set to contact his parents. Rhys asked them about the memorial, shared some stories, and updated them on how things were going in the states. He and Alistair had spent some time in Washington DC getting the bureaucratic side of things out of the way before heading to Burnham City. Here they had stocked up on supplies and looked around prior to their placement at the academy. It was still early when he finished speaking with his parents, but not so early that he couldn’t make a bit more noise, so Rhys busied himself with getting all of his personal items put away. He would move on to the more communal stuff after. It sort if worked as a distraction - it didn’t really stop him from thinking, but it did keep him busy. A part of him did wish that they had organised everything with today in mind, but he knew that it would have been silly and impractical to delay things. But he still wished.

Rhys tried to avoid Alastair throughout the morning. He felt that he should seem particularly happy today, but being there just didn’t seem right. Unfortunately it was only early afternoon when Rhys finished unpacking. He plonked himself on one of the couches and worked at being cheerier. Fuck it, he thought in the end. “I’m going to the pub.” He said it loudly enough so that Alistair would hear. He was free to follow.. although as soon as he stepped out of the house Rhys realised that he had no clue where the pub was. “Any ideas?” he asked - not even turning to see if Alistair had followed.
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