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Bookish Freaks

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Bookish Freaks
Oh Nano.

I'm desperately far behind. I can blame it mostly on work and a little bit on lack of inspiration.

When I do write it's brief little snippets that I email myself (while I'm at work), so I can copy pasta into the word document when I get home. It's been about 100 to 1000 words a day, but there was a stretch of 4 days that I wrote nothing (too tired, too cranky, too headachey). My hope was to have a day off where I could do nothing but write, but that won't happen until after Thanksgiving (I'm working every day until then and then entertaining house guests the whole weekend).

My new goal is not to get so far behind that one solid day of writing to get unburied becomes impossible. I'm going to aim for 1000 or more words a day until then, even if I have to stay up an extra hour after to work to get it done.

I have a solid-ish idea for the novel so far, I just have to get moving on stringing it altogether.

The working title: Deep in the Woods.
The working concept: a group of college kids gather in the woods to cast magic together; they add to their circle until they have 13, a perfect coven. Once they cast as a total entity however, they wake something that's been dormant in the woods.

I haven't decided what they wake and why that could be a bad thing (also, how does that impact the rest of the novel seeing as how it's probably closer to the end of it). I can't see a resolution/finale in sight. I can't tell if that's because this is more than one book worth of story.
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