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Bob Grayson

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Test Scene: Bob Grayson [14 May 2011|09:24pm]
The saucer hummed as it normally did, the information from its computers directed straight into his mind. Its a comforting feeling, the touch of something against his mind. It reminded him of his home, the one he left in order to join M-11 and his quest to find and resuscitate Jimmy Woo. True, it did not go as he had expected, but it still brought them closer as a team.

So he sat in the cockpit of the saucer, looking up through the translucent ceiling and keeping his eyes on a point. There is nothing visible there, but the sensors show him: His old world, the large blue planet spun onto its side.
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Application: Bob Grayson [14 May 2011|09:22pm]
Player (nickname/handle): Chris
AIM (if you have one): serenity2132
How did you hear about the game? (optional) : Duh :P

Character Name: Robert "Bob" Grayson
Character LJ (if applicable): 7thplanetman
Character location/Base of Operations: The Saucer/Atlas headquarters
Sample Post - Here

What are your plans for the character? Bob is a key part of the Agents of Atlas. Any plots involving them, either AoA itself or interactions with other teams, will be with him involved
How are you planning on working them into the game? It's the Agents o Atlas. A lot of their stuff happens on the side, even when it is awesomely cheesy Silver Age style adventures.
Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character? Other than what has happened directly with the Agents of Atlas, no changes whatsoever.
What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character? Please be as detailed as you wish: Anything Agents of Atlas, as well as his odd situation as part human and part Uranian ("Stop giggling, Ken"), would be very appreciated, as well as introductions to other heroes. Like me, Bob has little experience with the world outside the Agents, and even with the ship does not know the people rather than their information.
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