Brad Hill's Journal

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31st January 2013

1:53am: Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept
Brad Hill


Shield Pilot- Builds one stack of fueling up each turn. Recharge also grants one stack of fueling up.


L1- Open fire- Single Target gun ranged attack. Desperation attack.

L2- Bombing Run- Targets all opponents with a ranged attack. Catastrophic Attack. Requires and burns up two stacks of Fueling up.

L6- Naplam Strike- Targets all opponents with a ranged fire attack. Catastrophic Attack. Causes burning. Requires and use two stacks of fueling up.

L9- Tactical Nuke- Targets all opponents with a ranged energy radiation attack. Catastrophic Attack. Causes radiation exposure. Requires and use four stacks of fueling up.

1st June 2012

10:32pm: Test Scene
Brad had gotten an order to report to Fury's office. Which probably wasn't a good thing. As he walked up there he started thinking through what he might have wanted to talk to him about. It could have been about him giving the LSO on the flight deck a hard time again be he totally felt the guy had deserved it that time. Or maybe it was about him skipping out on flight sim practice even if he did have the high scores right now and no one seemed all that close to beating his right now if he did say so himself.

Though knowing Fury it probably was not going to be about anything he could have prepared himself for. Still it couldn't hurt to try, Brad thought to himself as he knocked on Director Fury's office door. "Agent Hill's here."

30th May 2012

5:17pm: App
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
Email: On Record
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Brad Hill
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): 6 feet tall and 181 lbs. Black hair and green eyes.
Age: 19
Birthday: September 24th
PB: (If using one.) Robbie Amell
Abilities: Expert Pilot: Brad is an extremely skilled and capable pilot and is capable of flying just about anything with expert skill.

Shield Training: Brad is a trained Shield Agent and has all the skills that come with that. Though he does not have as high level of skill in these areas as he does as a pilot.

Weaknesses and flaws: Brad is a normal human and has all the weaknesses that come with that.

Character location/Home: Mobile
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Good
Relatives (living/dead?): Maria Hill(Mother), Brendon Hill(Brother)

Backstory: Brad loves his mom dearly and does people that people were rather unfair to her but unlike his older brothers drive for revenge Brad wants to show up those assholes. He has not heard from his brother in a long time and does not know what to think of his recent activities other than he's being an idiot.

Brad was born with a natural talent for flying and has been flying since he reached double digits and has become insanely good at it. Once he was old enough he joined SHIELD as a pilot. He has made quite an impression already with his skill as a pilot even if he is not all that good of a field agent.

Brad still has trouble fitting in with most of the other SHIELD agents due to his youth, skill, and the fact that he has a little bit of an attitude. Even still he has an impressive record already.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Member of Shield
What are you planning to do with this character?: Shield Stuff
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Improving his mother's legacy. Some brotherly interaction would be cool too.

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