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[18 Jul 2010|10:10pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Beth
AIM (if you have one): chappaiguardian
Character Name: Cyrus Green
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]actionlad
Physical description (face, build, weight): A thin pale skinned teenager who looks as if he isn't out in the sun much if at all. The only reason he appears to be skinny is because there is little to no actual fat on his body. He used to dress in clothing that resembles something out of the 1950s or the jump suit he needs to wear to aid in interacting with his ship. But as he is trying to blend in more he tries wearing clothing that is both comfortable and neutral. He also tries to keep his short dark brown hair combed neatly. Without a shirt with long sleeves or long pants it is obvious that he has undergone some surgeries in his life time due to some medical scars that show up since he doesn't have much pigmentation.
Age: 15
Birthday: April 13
Codename (if using one): Action Lad
PB: (If using one.) Ezra Miller
Abilities: A good pilot when it comes to space fairing ships. Genius level intellect. He has a cybernetic implant that allows him to interface with his ship on a level where he can 'talk' to his ship and assume direct control. He has his strength enhanced to three times the strength of an adult human male and has an enhanced level of dexterity. He has been genetically modified to be able to combat alien diseases about half as well as a native due to a boosted immune system.
Weaknesses and flaws: Cyrus tires out easily. He is also very young still and so he has a hard time getting people to believe that he really can do all of the things he is capable of. He is also not a native to this reality and so he has no basis of knowledge for anything since even the alien races are different.
Most notably, he has the physical constitution that someone of his size and age should which make him a bit like a low level glass cannon when it comes to strength and staying power.
Character location/Home: His ship/ Space
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: Solo but since there is a space team the Darkstars may be a good fit
Relatives (living/dead?):Dr Charlie Green( father presumed dead), Dr Rebeca Green( presumed dead)
Backstory: Cyrus is the son of two explorers from an alternate reality. They made their living surveying planets for a company that specialized in terraforming using a process that took them anywhere from ten to fifteen years for a world to be made livable. Since they had a young son they couldn't leave behind they had Cyrus given the standard 'upgrade' package for children who were to grow up in space so that he wouldn't be put into a situation where he couldn't survive because of how dangerous space can actually be.

There had been some damage to the sensors on the outside of their ship Rising Phoenix that had to be repaired so they could safely travel back to a more populated sector of space when a 'ribbon' in space seemed to tear across the small star system they were trapped in. Cyrus tried to get to the emergency air lock to get his parents back inside. But a kitchen appliance came loos and struck him in the back of the head. He was knocked unconscious from the blow. He woke up what felt like seconds latter but it could have been hours latter alone with malfunctioning sensors and no way to know what happened to his parents. He would have to find a way to deal with this on his own.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: His ship is adrift in space and needs some repairs done. He will be sending out a distress call and will be in a zero-gravity suit on the outside trying to do what he can to get the outside of the ship squared away.
What are you planning to do with this character? He will be having adventures in space! Also once he gets around I want him to be one of my more social and outgoing characters. He is going to have an idealistic mind-set and try to get others around him to cheer up about things.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: He will have to deal with being seen as physically weaker than others because he does look the part. I also want him to start off denying his parents are gone and slowly come to terms with the fact that they are gone. He will also need to deal with being a displaced minor with no one to stand in for a positive adult figure. If he does join the Darktars I want to see him start to treat the older team members as surrogate brothers and sisters.

Please include a sample post/scene

He began to wake up slowly. He had no idea how long he had been out. He could see spots forming in front of his eyes and a sense of urgency struck him as he began to become fully aware of what is going on.

"Mom," he cried out hearing his voice crack in the air. "Dad!"

He pushes the heavy microwave off of his body and moves to go tap onto the communications device that should link him up to his parents zero-gravity suits. "Mom! Dad! If you can hear this please respond!"

All he hears is white noise. It makes no sense. "MOM speak up I can't hear you," he calls out again pressing his thumb into the panel.

They aren't responding. He gulps and moves across the way back into the hall. He is trying to get to the cockpit. It is the only location on the ship with a one hundred and eighty degree of the outside of the ship. It is the fullest view that the Rising Phoenix has.

To get to the cockpit though he has to punch in his code. His parents have many places on the ship locked down so that they each have their own set of boundaries sure he could hack through them given enough time but he likes to show how much he respects their privacy.

He and hiis dad 'share' the cockpit. His Mother always claimed that the stars made her sea sick if she stared at them for too long. She was a xenobiologist not an astrophysicist/pilot/geologist/whatever else his Dad just happened to know. Cyrus just liked to hang out from his father to learn everything he could about where they were.
The doors to the cockpit open and his gut drops out of him.

"Computer." He feels his implants calling to the ship as his hand slips onto one of the interfaces. "How far have we drifted from our previous location?"

The computer brushes against his mind like a family pet as the numbers dance across the screen. "Only seventy meters? That makes no sense. The stars. The stars are all wrong. Computer! Contact the Doctors Green."

There is a blare of white noise in the back of his head. Nothing. He disconnects his hand and tries to not faint. It is time to go get his zero-gravity suit on for himself and take a walk on the outside of the ship.

"Computer," he orders. "Set up a distress call. To anyone in the area. This is the Rising Phoenix. Our ship has suffered damages and some of our crew may be missing outside in space. If anyone can hear us. Please. I implore you. we need your help. I repeat. We need your help."

Now his only hope might be someone who found it within themselves to come help.
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