26 January 2011 @ 11:18 am
The Tarot Game: Bit of Backstory  
The Emperor sought to extend his kingdom. When negotiations for better trade routes beyond the Runic Kingdom did not go exactly his way he declared war.

The Great War as it's commonly known had been raging for a couple years. Soldiers would serve a pace, travel home to visit family and then rotate back into service. Some of the war was fought on Runic turf. Some of it fought on Arcane turf.

Both Kingdoms suffered greatly in the course of fighting. The Arcane Castle was ruined. The Runes are in ruin. Other houses didn't suffer the same physical damage, but suffered the loss of sons and daughters who went to war.

The war ended with a shaky truce three months ago.

The Arcane Castle is being rebuilt, almost whole but not entirely livable. Some have begun the grieving process, others have already passed it.

This is where we begin our game. A shaky truce. Damaged kingdoms working to rebuild. A mad scramble for power in the face of instability.

Thundercats GO!
25 January 2011 @ 08:24 pm
The Tarot Game: Add All  
Updated January 26th, 2011

Make sure you're logged into your journal. Copy the text box below. Go here and paste, then press the execute button. It will friend all the journals you need.

22 January 2011 @ 09:27 am
The Tarot Game: House Info, Runic Kingdom  
The Runic Kingdom )
22 January 2011 @ 09:26 am
The Tarot Game: House Info, Kingdom of Swords  
Kingdom of Swords )
22 January 2011 @ 09:25 am
The Tarot Game: House Info, Kingdom of Staves  
Kingdom of Staves )
22 January 2011 @ 09:24 am
The Tarot Game: House Info, Kingdom of Pentacles  
Kingdom of Pentacles )
22 January 2011 @ 09:19 am
The Tarot Game: House Info, Kingdom of Cups  
Kingdom of Cups )
22 January 2011 @ 09:17 am
The Tarot Game: House Info, Arcane Kingdom  
NOTE: I'm setting this up sort of preliminary, since Kingston is the head of the Arcane. If anyone else with Arcane has something to add, leave a comment and I'll amend.

Arcane Kingdom )
22 January 2011 @ 09:15 am
The Tarot Game: Family Trees  
This is the first batch of trees. You may have to right click - view image in order for it to be the correct size.

Joey is adjusting these to match the changes in game.

House Arcane (Westerveldt-Nazar only) )

Special Tree: Caden's Marriages )

House of Pentacles )

House of Cups )

House of Staves )

House of Swords )

Of note:
Images in black and white represent dead people.
Blue dotted lines equals an affair that ended.
Blue dashed lines are engagements.
Red lines are divorces or separations.
Question marks are pregnancies.
22 January 2011 @ 09:11 am
The Tarot Game: Map  
Crappy Map )

Castle Views )
22 January 2011 @ 09:03 am
The Tarot Game: Character Listing  
'Cause we need one damn it.

The Arcana )

The House of Cups )

The House of Pentacles )

The House of Staves )

The House of Swords )

Runic Kingdom )

NPC's and Other )