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Three awesome Sena Icons [22 Jun 2010|09:09pm]
There are three icons I made from this fanart for this fanfic. Made with permission please credit NezkovSou.

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Radio Play: Xigbar's Enterance [05 Feb 2010|10:11pm]
(note: Taken from this post and blanks will be replaced with actor names later, one of them will probably be me.)

Shaylynn: Hello and welcome to another Transylvania Polytech University, Oregon Branch, Radio Theater production! Today we are presenting ‘Xigbar’s Entrance’. Xigbar and Sora are not being played by their respective muns, instead they will be acted by Queenie and myself. This production was taken from an actual role play thread and was made with complete consent from the muns of the players involved. I do not own Kingdom Hearts in any way, shape, or form. I hope you will enjoy our production.

Narrator: (sound of someone walking into the room and sitting down then a polite cough) It is a world ruled by Fantasy! Where some number of yet-to-be-named deities call the shots, making relatively innocent people dance like puppets at their whims! It is a world- well five worlds if you want to get technical- where anything is possible! Anything from mad Time Lords attempt town-wide take overs to the post office being ran by a cheerleader and an emperor runs the inn. It is the world of Traverse Town: home for those who have no other place to go!

Narrator: In our last but extremely imaginary episode, our her-er, villain, Xigbar,

Xigbar: Hey!

Narrator: just appeared in a new place and our hero, Sora,

Sora: Hi!

Narrator: was just finishing up some shopping…

Xigbar: (confused) "Wuzzat? Obviously not darkness. What's up with that?"

Xigbar: *pause* (sighs) "Well isn't this a barrel full of freakin' monkies!"

(dramatic ruffling fabric noise)

Xigbar: "Might as well explore this place... boy is Mansex gonna be mad when he finds out where I've been!" 

Sora: (humming Mickey Mouse march, cuts off and makes small gasp) "Hey-! ...Who the heck is Mansex?"

Xigbar: (amused) "Tch. Roxas." (super serious) "Here for a fight?"

Sora: (annoyed) "It's Sora."

Xigbar: "Yeah, yeah. Same thing, kiddo."

Sora: "I'm not here for a fight. Are you?"

Xigbar: (mild surprise) "Really? What kinda joke are you pulling, hm? Save the wisecracking to me."

Sora: (sincere) "Really! I'm not pulling any jokes." *pause* "Did you just get here? You don't know what's going on, do you?"

Xigbar: "..."

Xigbar: (embarrassed) "Er... you could say that!"

Sora: "What's the last thing you remember before coming here?"

Xigbar: "Tch. As if! Like I'll tell you!" (grunt, movement noises, pause, sigh) "...I take that back. I was supposed to go on some dumb mission or something. Why do you care?"

Sora: "Because then I can figure out what time you're from."

Xigbar: "What time I'm from?"

Xigbar: (kind of wtf) "What's that supposed to mean, kiddo? Sounds like a helluva story you have there."

Sora: (thoughtfully) "Well… for example the guy in the inn lobby is years behind the rest of the people in his world. And then if you were in the middle of a mission… Then you're behind me by a while. People show up here from different times now and not just different worlds."

Xigbar: (wtf) "...What are you on, boy?"

Sora: (confused) "Huh? I'm not on anything." (more normal) "I didn't make it up if you don't believe me. Ask anybody here."

Xigbar: (sigh) "...Nevermind. That obviously flew over your head. Jeez how old are you? 5?" (foot-tapping) "So... you're saying this is some weirdo world where weirdo people show up and do weirdo things. Am I right, kiddo?"

Sora: "Ah..no. Normal people show up and do normal things. And it's not a world it's more like five now. This is Traverse Town and, then, see if you go out there you can get to Radient Garden, Twilight Town, The World That Never Was, and this castle I don't remember ever seeing before."

Xigbar: (attentive, hopeful) "The home world's here? So I'm not utterly lost and confused?" (sigh of relief)

Xigbar: "So... is Mansex the Superior here? Any other Organization members?"

Sora: "I haven't seen Xemnas… and its better he's not here. I've seen Axel and Roxas though."

Xigbar: "...So let me get this straight. The kid... is back to having his own body?" 

Sora: "That's right."

Xigbar: "..Huh. So flamesilocks is here, too, huh? Anyone else I should know about?"

Sora: "Not that I can think of..- OH!" (realization) "All my friends are here so don't try anything because you'd be completely outnumbered."

Xigbar: (chuckle, sarcastically) "Right, right... I won't. I totally wouldn't be able to take on a bunch of children. Nope. Never."

Sora: (completely serious) "You wouldn't. I won that fight."

Xigbar: (slightly confused) "Eh? What fight are we talking about here, boy?"

Sora: "When I fought you in the World That Never Was..." (realization) "Oh wait! You're behind me. You wouldn't know I won that fight..."

Xigbar: (disbelief) "You're joking me..."

Sora: (slightly uncomfortable) "No..."

Xigbar: (growl)

(sound of someone punching a wall)

Xigbar: (serious with a hint of barely withheld anger) "So. Let me get this straight. Ya killed me, kiddo?"

Sora: (nervous) "Uhh...." (pause) "You're here now!"


Xigbar: "...Well then. I guess good job then, kiddo. You've earned my respect."

Sora: (surprised) "Really? I earned respect for that? I thought you'd be mad."

Xigbar: (snicker, then serious) "I might respect you, but that doesn't mean I'm automatically on your side, kid. Don't expect any favors or anything."

Sora: "Oh. Alright."

Xigbar: "Tch. That's all you have to say? I expected waterworks... Although that's more of Demyx's department." (laughs at the joke, knuckles cracking)

Sora: "It's nothing to cry over."

Xigbar: "So... waddya do for fun around here, little man?"

Sora: "Ah- fun! I play games, skateboard, get icecream, kill heartless, meet new people..."

Xigbar: (suggestively at the end) "Hn. Not exactly my idea of fun, kid. I like games, but not the kind you like."

Sora: "Oh."

Xigbar: "Anyway, and I kill heartless, but I'm only required to do that. It's not any real fun."

Sora: "I'm sure there's something you'd like around here."

Xigbar: (snicker) "Heh. Maybe, maybe not. I guess I'll find out, then."

Sora: "I could help you find something if you want…"

Xigbar: (surprise and slight disbelief) "Really? You'll help me of all people?" (barking laughter) "If you're willing, I won't be able to refuse now can I, kiddo?"

Sora: (pout) "What? Is there a reason I shouldn't? You're not doing anything bad so..."

Xigbar: "Huh. You're a real nice kid, you know that? A little too nice, but... nice."

Sora: "Nah. I can't be too nice." (pause) "So what do you like to do for fun besides games and shooting things?"

Xigbar: "Weeeell... I like to insult people, make fun of people, play pranks on people, scare people... and surf." (snicker) "Nah, don't worry, kiddo, I'm not that much of a jerk."

Sora: "Surf! There's surfing! You take the train in Twilight Town and go to the island on the side with the waves and that could work!"

Xigbar: (sarcastic) "Reaaaaally. Twilight Town, huh? Never noticed."

Sora: "Twilight Town has a beach I've never been to, but you can take the train to Destiny Islands now so why go to the beach when you can go there?"

Xigbar: "Huh. Interesting." (pause) "Hey. You live near those islands, right? Can ya show me around?"

Sora: "Sure. I don't see why not."

Zigbar: "Alright then. Ya wanna lead the way then, kiddo? I've never been there. It's one of the few places I haven't, besides this place, obviously."

Narrator: And so our hero and villain wander off into the sunset of Twilight Town. What will become of them? Will Xigbar get to surf? Will Sora get to make a new friend? Find out on the next exciting episode of Xigbar, the Freeshooter!

Shaylynn: This has been a Transylvania Polytech University, Oregon Branch production. Thank you and have a good night!

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Game 2, part 1 [27 Dec 2009|08:42pm]

AceBat21 (5:53:32 PM): Sena: Alright

GlassOfTheGods (5:53:40 PM): Mamori: *blows whistle*

eyeofmikhail (5:53:58 PM): Alphonse: *rushes into the field* Hi, everyone!

aylapazza4 (5:54:10 PM): Shadow: -nods- Hello

GlassOfTheGods (5:54:22 PM): Link: *right behind Shadow* Hello.

AceBat21 (5:54:23 PM): Sena: Ready for the game Link-san?

GlassOfTheGods (5:54:30 PM): Link: Of course.

GlassOfTheGods (6:00:30 PM): Mamori: Do I have to recite the rules for all of you? *in a small, desperate voice* Please tell me no, please!

eyeofmikhail (6:00:47 PM): Alphonse: Don't worry, I got it.

aylapazza4 (6:00:55 PM): Shadow: -shakes head- I remember them

AceBat21 (6:00:57 PM): Sena: Don't worry about me Manager-san

GlassOfTheGods (6:01:04 PM): Link: I'm fine.

GlassOfTheGods (6:01:39 PM): Mamori: *looks really thankful* Okay then. Oh, there was a little explosion with the last game so that area of the field's a little rough.... Sorry.

GlassOfTheGods (6:01:55 PM): Mamori: *points by the red flagged endzone*

AceBat21 (6:02:10 PM): Sena: *nods*

aylapazza4 (6:02:10 PM): Shadow: -blinks twice- Why was there an explosion?

eyeofmikhail (6:02:18 PM): Alphonse: Was anyone hurt?

GlassOfTheGods (6:02:38 PM): Link: *blink* Explosion? Isn't that against the rules?

AceBat21 (6:02:59 PM): Sena: *startled* I beleive so during a game....

GlassOfTheGods (6:03:32 PM): Mamori: It was. They were penalized for it. Now, could one of you select heads or tails?

aylapazza4 (6:04:59 PM): Shadow: Heads or tails? -tilts head with confusion-

AceBat21 (6:05:54 PM): Sena: *looks around* Manager-san means what side of a coin would you like to have represent your team, she will flip the coin to determine who gets the ball first, right Manager-san

AceBat21 (6:06:02 PM): ?

GlassOfTheGods (6:06:05 PM): Mamori: Yes.

aylapazza4 (6:06:19 PM): Shadow: Ah...but the coin doesn't have a tail...?

GlassOfTheGods (6:06:48 PM): Mamori: *cue sweatdrop* It just means the rear end of the coin.

eyeofmikhail (6:07:20 PM): Alphonse: *scratching the back of his head* I don't mind who picks a side of the coin.

GlassOfTheGods (6:07:31 PM): Link: Uh, tails then?

GlassOfTheGods (6:08:29 PM): Mamori: *flips coin* Heads. *turns to Alphonse and Shadow* Would you like possession of the ball or would you like to give it to the other team?

eyeofmikhail (6:08:51 PM): Alphonse: *looks to Shadow* What do you think?

aylapazza4 (6:09:12 PM): Shadow: hmm...Perhaps we should start from an offensive stance?

eyeofmikhail (6:09:23 PM): Alphonse: Alright. We'll take the ball then.

GlassOfTheGods (6:09:48 PM): Mamori: *hands the ball to Alphonse and gets out of the way to the side*

eyeofmikhail (6:10:04 PM): Alphonse: *takes the ball and gets into position on the field*

aylapazza4 (6:10:18 PM): Shadow: -gets into position behind Alphonse-

AceBat21 (6:10:28 PM): Sena: *lines himself up against Alphonse*

GlassOfTheGods (6:10:59 PM): Link: *gets behind Sena a few paces and looks at Shadow intently*

eyeofmikhail (6:11:32 PM): Alphonse: *looks around* Hut! *steps back a few paces, searching for an opening*

aylapazza4 (6:11:47 PM): Shadow: -runs, making to dodge around Link-

GlassOfTheGods (6:12:10 PM): Link: *cuts the same way and crashes gracelessly into Shadow*

AceBat21 (6:12:14 PM): Sena: *runs after Alphonse to see if he can get the ball*

eyeofmikhail (6:12:29 PM): Alphonse: *sees Sena and starts running ahead in the direction of the endzone*

AceBat21 (6:12:59 PM): Sena: *sees Alphonse running and attemps to tackle him*

eyeofmikhail (6:13:35 PM): Alphonse: *is knocked forward by Sena, causing him to fall facefirst, clutching the ball*

GlassOfTheGods (6:14:00 PM): Mamori: *blows whistle* First down!

aylapazza4 (6:14:11 PM): Shadow: that's good, right?

eyeofmikhail (6:14:18 PM): Alphonse: *gets up* I was about to ask the same

AceBat21 (6:14:28 PM): Sena: *gets up*

GlassOfTheGods (6:15:03 PM): Link: *rubbing his elbow* Those pads are harder than I thought....

AceBat21 (6:15:15 PM): Sena: are you okay Link-san?

GlassOfTheGods (6:15:33 PM): Link: Yes, just a little surprised, that's all.

eyeofmikhail (6:15:56 PM): Alphonse: *whispers to Shadow* This time I'll hand the ball off to you, okay?

aylapazza4 (6:16:04 PM): Shadow: -nods-

eyeofmikhail (6:16:14 PM): Alphonse: Alright. *gets into position*

aylapazza4 (6:16:23 PM): Shadow: -also gets into position-

AceBat21 (6:17:03 PM): Sena: *Gets in to position*

GlassOfTheGods (6:17:30 PM): Link: *gets into place*

eyeofmikhail (6:18:05 PM): Alphonse: Hut! *goes back a few paces again, hands ball to Shadow*

AceBat21 (6:18:59 PM): Sena: Link-san, I'll get Alphonse, keep Shadow from getting another down *runs after Alphonse*

aylapazza4 (6:19:11 PM): Shadow: -takes the ball and runs like hell, planning to jump over Link-

GlassOfTheGods (6:19:26 PM): Link: *nods and grabs Shadow's foot while he's over head*

eyeofmikhail (6:19:35 PM): Alphonse: *attempts to stop Sena from getting to Shadow*

aylapazza4 (6:19:59 PM): Shadow: -falls and somersaults about four feet, now a little dizzy-

AceBat21 (6:20:03 PM): Sena: *attempst to keep Alphonse from getting to Shadow so he can't take the ball*

GlassOfTheGods (6:20:29 PM): Link: *didn't fall, so he's right on Shadow, tackling him*

aylapazza4 (6:20:42 PM): Shadow: OOF! -is smushed a bit-

eyeofmikhail (6:22:57 PM): Alphonse: Is that another first down?

GlassOfTheGods (6:24:09 PM): Mamori: Almost, you're one yard short.

aylapazza4 (6:24:29 PM): Shadow: We get more than one chance, right?

AceBat21 (6:25:28 PM): Sena: But wasn't the ball carrier tackled?

GlassOfTheGods (6:26:12 PM): Mamori: He was, the play has ended. They get another down before we change possession

aylapazza4 (6:27:35 PM): Shadow: Right. Now, will you get off me?!

eyeofmikhail (6:27:52 PM): Alphonse: *sweatdrop, gets into position*

AceBat21 (6:28:03 PM): Sena: *sweatdrop*

GlassOfTheGods (6:28:30 PM): Link: Oh, uh, yeah.. *gets off, feeling silly*

GlassOfTheGods (6:33:55 PM): Link: Oh, uh,yeah.... *gets off, feeling silly*

AceBat21 (6:34:00 PM): Sena: *get's in to position*

aylapazza4 (6:34:21 PM): Shadow: -gets up and brushes himself off before getting into position, glaring at Link and now super intense-

AceBat21 (6:34:28 PM): Sena: *whispers* Link-san, got any ideas for a defense plan?

eyeofmikhail (6:34:48 PM): Alphonse: *gets ready*

GlassOfTheGods (6:35:17 PM): Link: *pause* Why don't you go after Shadow and use some of your running tricks? Either way we go for stealing the ball....

AceBat21 (6:35:41 PM): Sena: *nods* I think I can do that.

aylapazza4 (6:36:54 PM): Shadow: -narrows eyes and mutters to Alphonse- They might go for a trick play, be careful

aylapazza4 (6:53:46 PM): wait, I thought Alphonse had the ball

misscredfield (6:53:55 PM): He handed it to Shadow

aylapazza4 (6:54:15 PM): Shadow: -gives the ball to Alphonse-

GlassOfTheGods (6:54:31 PM): Link: *gets in place*

AceBat21 (6:54:47 PM): Sena: *gets in to place*

aylapazza4 (6:55:10 PM): Shadow: -gets into place-

misscredfield (6:55:13 PM): Alphonse: *blinks and takes the ball* Um, hut! *rushes forward in the direction of the endzone*

GlassOfTheGods (6:55:32 PM): Link: *brakes off after Alphone*

aylapazza4 (6:55:46 PM): Shadow: -runs after Link aiming to tackle him-

AceBat21 (6:56:31 PM): Sena: *Takes off after Shadow for a tackle attempt*

misscredfield (6:56:49 PM): Alphonse: *keeps running towards the endzone, getting closer*

aylapazza4 (6:57:15 PM): Shadow: -puts on an extra burst of speed, catching up to Link-

AceBat21 (6:57:31 PM): Sena:*attempts to tackle shadow*

GlassOfTheGods (6:57:59 PM): Link: *gap is widening with Alphonse* *glances to see Shadow on him and attempts to knock Shadow back with his hand*

aylapazza4 (6:58:18 PM): Shadow: -dodges Sena and lunges at Link-

GlassOfTheGods (6:59:00 PM): Link: *smacks right into Shadow* Go! *at Sena*

AceBat21 (6:59:06 PM): Sena: *Notices the gap and decides to go after Alphonse instead*

misscredfield (6:59:18 PM): Alphonse: *is about 10 yards from the endzone now*

AceBat21 (6:59:47 PM): Sena: *Picks up speed and manages to get close to Alphonse in a tackle attempt*

misscredfield (7:00:22 PM): Alphonse: *manages to dodge Alphonse and rushes into the endzone*

misscredfield (7:00:26 PM): *Sena

GlassOfTheGods (7:00:52 PM): Mamori: *blows whistle* Touchdown@

GlassOfTheGods (7:00:56 PM): *!

misscredfield (7:01:17 PM): Alphonse: *throws the ball the ground and throws his arms in the air* Yeahh!

aylapazza4 (7:01:25 PM): Shadow: -grins, having fun-

GlassOfTheGods (7:01:43 PM): Link: *gets off Shadow right away this time*

AceBat21 (7:04:13 PM): Sena: So we get the ball now, Link-san, I was thinking of you handing the ball to me, but they might expect that...

misscredfield (7:04:38 PM): Alphonse: *smiling because he scored, gets into position*

aylapazza4 (7:05:31 PM): Shadow: -to Alphonse quietly- They have three choices, hand the ball to Sena for a run, have Link run with Sena as decoy, or Link will throw the ball to Sena. we need to watch for all three

GlassOfTheGods (7:05:33 PM): Link: They might, but I just noticed you're the fastest one here.... So if you can get away then they can't do anything about it.....

GlassOfTheGods (7:05:59 PM): Link: ..Or we could try passing it? I'm not sure of my aim.....

misscredfield (7:06:11 PM): Alphonse: *quietly to Shadow, nodding* I'll watch Sena, you watch Link then okay?

AceBat21 (7:06:18 PM): Sena:*To link* I thought you had great aim?

misscredfield (7:06:57 PM) has left the room.

AceBat21 (7:07:26 PM): Sena: Or we both can act as decoys, one of us pretending to have the ball...

aylapazza4 (7:07:40 PM): Shadow: -nods- Link and I are pretty much the same, so I should know what he'll do by his movements.

AceBat21 (7:07:51 PM): (wait!)

GlassOfTheGods (7:07:57 PM): Link: I'm more confident with a bow....

GlassOfTheGods (7:08:04 PM): (ooc; he's being humble)

AceBat21 (7:13:21 PM): Sena: Or we both can act as decoys, one of us pretending to have the ball...

aylapazza4 (7:13:45 PM): Shadow: -nods- Link and I are pretty much the same, so I should know what he'll do by his movements.

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Radio Play: Metal Bits (Part 3) [22 Nov 2009|12:01am]

Metal Bits (Part 2)

Narrator: (announcer-like) We musn’t forget this is a world ruled by Mad Science and Fantasy! Because far away in the vast bit of slime that we call the ‘internet’ there are mentions of hideous creatures called ‘Mary Sues’ and their male counterparts ‘Gary Stews’. Should you find one of those you will be permanently disgusted or turned into a deranged Twilight fan. And sometimes you will find the strange horrible thing called a ‘badfic’, which an encounter with leaves the reader faithless and depressed. But should you be able to brave these slimy tubes, occasionally you find something wonderful. And that wonderful something is the next exciting episode of the adventures of Agatha Heterodyne,


All: (loud) Girl Genius!


Narrator: In our last episode, the Spark Agatha Heterodyne,


Agatha: Science!


Narrator: the Doctor,


Doctor: Hello.


Narrator: and Eyeshield 21 or as his mother calls him, Sena Kobayakawa,


Sena: Hii!


Narrator: had encounter not with horrendous insect monsters,


Doctor: I just thought it was going to be like last time!


Narrator: but instead with some really creepy people,


Person: (monotone) I. Am. Creepy?


Narrator: that the one called Shadow was killing,


Shadow: Jero!


Narrator: That also likes to randomly speak Hyrulian….


Shadow: Eckle shep dariee Englisk temit!


Narrator: (annoyed) Say that in English!


Shadow: (accented) Speaking English is over-rated.


Narrator: (coughs) And it appears as though Shadow is the only person as of this moment that can both see and interact with them!


Shadow: (accented) Yes I can see you, all three of you.


Agatha: How!? Tell me!


Shadow: (accented) I’m a creature born from the Shadow Realm, an anti-person if that makes any sense. Right now you’re in Traverse Town’s Shadow Realm and still whole. I’m trying to figure out how you didn’t get turned into a spirit….


Doctor: And having been born in that alternate dimension allows you to have sensitively to things in it?


Shadow: (accented) It’s more like I have one foot in both places at the same time, if that makes any sense, by living I have this.


Sena: (distressed) But the heartless-!


Shadow: (accented) All heartless were human at one point. For some reason they lose their hearts to darkness and become the little black creatures we’re more familiar with. Their human forms get transferred into the Shadow Realm while their physical bodies stay here and become shadow-creatures.


Sena: But the bodies!


Shadow: (accented) If something turns into a shadow and disappears, it’s a sign it goes into the Shadow Realm. They become proper corpses there instead of half living, emotionless spirits.


Agatha: (distressed) H-how can you kill them knowing that!?


Shadow: (accented) Because they aren’t human anymore. They are monsters that seek warmth and emotion in an attempt to fill the very void they themselves made. If anything I’m doing them a service by ending their misery.


Doctor: But what if the process was reversible?


Shadow: (accented) It’s not.


Doctor: You sound very sure.


Shadow: (accented) I know magic, I know prices, what has happened to these people is not reversible. They are doomed to die like this.


Sena: …That’s so sad.


Shadow: (accented) It is. But the heartless aside, how did the lot of you get into the Shadow Realm in the first place?


Agatha: (excitedly, quickly) We found some interesting metal and we were trying to find out what it was so I decided to hit it with lasers, then there was a big flash of light! (breath) And we got knocked into this reality!


Doctor: Do you think you might know of a way to get us out of here?


Shadow: (accented) …I could try summoning a portal of darkness. But first I think I should look at the metal in question.


Sena: Why?


Shadow: (accented) I think it might be from my world.


Doctor: That could potentially explain just about everything we’ve had about this experience.


Agatha: It’s in my lab! Let’s go!


(sound of walking)


Sena: Um… is it okay to leave the people there like that?


Shadow: (accented) Oh yes, the bodies disappear at midnight.


Sena: R-really?


Shadow: (accented) I sat around and watched one day because I got curious. I presume they were sent back to their own worlds. Or were reincarnated as a heartless again….


Agatha: Reincarnated!?


Shadow: (accented) That heartless I just killed? That’s the fifth time I’ve killed that face.


Doctor: Why are the heartless reincarnating?


Shadow: (accented) Why do the dead walk these streets? I don’t think death is a permanent thing here as it normally is.


Agatha: It’s not in my world either. People get reanimated left and right.


Sena: R-really?


Agatha: Yeah, I was going to kill Tarvek, cure him, then revive him. Because it was easier than trying to save him from the disease he had.


Doctor: Disease?


Agatha: Oh yeah, it makes you spontaneously combust! Nasty stuff.


Sena: Your world is scary!


Shadow: (accented) Agreed. Who is Tarvek?


Agatha: He’s one of the guys I like. Speaking of that, how are things going with Suzuna, Sena?


Sena: (embarrassed) F-fine!


Doctor: Oh there’s no need for that, love is a wonderful thing!


Shadow: (accented, amused) Though he does make a great tomato….


Sena: (really embarrassed) Stop it!


Agatha: Don’t abuse my minion!


Agatha: Oh, we’re here! Give me a moment and all get it open.


(several really random noises and clicking and crunching)


Agatha: There!


Shadow: (accented, awed) That’s an elaborate lock.


Agatha: Really? This one’s kind of simple where I’m from….


Shadow: (accented, uncomposed, small voice) S-simple?


Doctor: I’ve only seen four that were more complicated.


Agatha: Well there it is on the table!


Shadow: (accented) Hmm.


(sound of tapping on metal)


Sena: Well?


Shadow: (accented) I don’t think it’s from my world but it does seem to have the ability to allow for traveling across worlds.


Agatha: Do you think-


Doctor: -Think what?


Agatha: It could be used to get us out of here?


Shadow: (accented) It might be a Gummy Block.


Sena: Gummy Block?


Shadow: (accented) Link read about them, apparently they can be used to make ‘space ships’ that allow you to travel across the worlds.


Agatha: Sounds like the TARDIS.


Doctor: The TARDIS also allows you to travel through time.


Agatha: That’s true.


Shadow: (accented) Well I’m going to try and make the portal now.


Agatha/Doctor: Go ahead.


Shadow: Din, Naru, Farore, gelshmet arro vilt!


(popping noise)


(long pause)


Sena: A-am I back?


Shadow: (accented) No.


Doctor: Hmm….


Agatha: Wait! What if we made a portal from here to the other world using my portal generator and put Shadow’s portal on top of it?


Sena: But you said it’s not working yet!


Agatha: Well let’s get it working! (start Tchaikovsky no. 5)


Sena: Y-yes….

Doctor: Is-is that Tchaikovsky?


Shadow: (accented) Beats me. I do know she’s humming chords, that’s pretty impressive.


Doctor: And if she’s human, physically impossible.


Shadow: (accented) Perhaps it is something that can be done in her world.


Doctor: Perhaps.


(clanging sounds, torque wrench sounds, hammering sounds)


Agatha: Done! Sena! Throw the switch!


Sena: Okay!


(popping noise)


Shadow: Din, Naru, Farore, gelshmet arro vilt!


(popping noise)


(long pause)


Sena: Am I back now?


Shadow: (accented) Yes, you all are back now.


Doctor: That’s a relief!


(ominous crackling noise)


Agatha: Uh-oh….


Narrator: What was that noise? Will we ever find out what Agatha learned? Will our heroes be able to justify killing heartless now? Will the Doctor ever get his tea? Will Sena recall he has a date with Suzuna in two hours?


Sena: Oh no! I forgot!


Narrator: Find out the answer to these and more on the next exciting episode of the adventures of Agatha Heterodyne,


All: (loud) Girl Genius!

Voice Acting Cast (in order of appearance):

Narrator: Linds

Agatha: Shay

Doctor: Meli

Sena: Aim

Person: Dan

Shadow Link: Noel



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Radio Play: Metal Bits (Part 2) [21 Nov 2009|07:41pm]

Metal Bits (Part 1)

Narrator: (announcer-like) It is a world ruled by Mad Science and Fantasy! Where things happen, usually to other people. This is what most call ‘entertainment’. But occasionally, rarely, they happen to you. Sometimes you get bit by a blood giving-vampire because you were a little down that day, or you get blackmailed because you were in caught in a compromising position by the wrong person, or you give a psychopath the wrong answer and he decides to start poking you with his sword- hard might I add. But sometimes, and I do mean sometimes, good things happen to you. Good things like being rescued by a federal agent who fights zombies, or the guy at the Inn gives you a place to sleep, or sometimes, just maybe, you find yourself in for another exciting episode of the adventures of Agatha Heterodyne,


All: (loud) Girl Genius!


Narrator: In our last installment, the Spark Agatha Heterodyne,


Agatha: Science!


Narrator: the Doctor,


Doctor: Yes?


Narrator: and Eyeshield 21, or more commonly known as Sena Kobayakawa,


Sena: Hii!


Narrator: where examining some mysterious metal,


Sena: That we found in a trash can.


Narrator: with lasers,


Agatha: Because they’re fun and flashy!


Narrator: which accidently knocked them out of perceived reality,


Doctor: It’s rather inconvenient.


Narrator: and they are now questing to find some horrible insect monsters the Doctor spoke of.


Doctor: Because they were responsible last time.


Agatha: (breathing heavily) They aren’t in the first district.


Sena: (breathing heavily) M-maybe they only are where heartless are?


Doctor: I’m more concerned with the reality law that prevents any sort of monster from appearing in the first district.


Agatha: That is the most interesting restriction on reality I’ve ever experienced.


Sena: …What are we going to do if we find a heartless instead?


Doctor: Whatever you two normally do when you find them.


Agatha: That would be killing them for munny.


Doctor: Violence? Why does everything fall to violence?


Sena: (apologetic) Oh- sorry sir!


Person: (monotone) I. Don’t. Care.


Agatha: He heard us!?


Doctor: (uncomposed) W-well he’s not normal.


Agatha: (a bit startled) S-sir, are you okay?


Person: (monotone) I. Am. Nothing.


Sena: (nervously) Wh-what’s g-going on?


Person: (monotone) I. Am. Heartless.


Agatha/Doctor/Sena: Heartless!?


Person: (monotone) Power. For. Hearts. Darkness. For. Hearts.


(ominous steps walk away)


Sena: S-scary!


Agatha: It wasn’t an insect monster.


Doctor: No, it was very perplexing. Maybe we haven’t been thrown out of perceived reality after all. Perhaps we are in a dimensional fold that lays over the normal reality of Traverse Town. This could prove much more difficult to get out of. Though I’m sure you’ll be glad to know, Sena, that there aren’t any insect monsters if that is the case.


Sena: (sigh of relief) Thank goodness…!


Agatha: I want to confirm that was a heartless first!


Doctor: Excellent idea!


Sena: …How?


Agatha: That’s easy! We go and find some people that normally kill heartless and see if they kill anything like that creepy guy!


Sena: Oh.


Doctor: That might get a bit gory.


Agatha: If you trust me I’m the only one that has to watch.


Sena: We should stay together! (small, almost inaudible whimper) Don’t leave me alone!


Doctor: Safety in numbers.


Agatha: Of course. You two can turn away when the kill happens.


Sena: Oh.


Agatha: (slightly offended) I’d be a horrible mad scientist if I couldn’t watch over a minion properly!


Sena: A-ah.


Doctor: Wouldn’t ‘lab assistant’ be a more descriptive title?


Agatha: Oh, no, that’s your job.


Doctor: Mine?


Sena: Yes.


Doctor: Well, alright then. (quietly, slightly offended) Ooo, just what I always wanted to be, I’m so glad I went to school for 200 years….


(sound of people walking)


Agatha: We should go into the third district, more heartless there and all.


Sena: (positive grunt noise thing)


Doctor: Carry on then.


(sound of people walking)


(sound of swinging and metal claning)


Sena: Someone’s fighting!


Agatha: Perfect! Let’s go!


(sound of hurried footsteps)


Shadow Link: (Link-like battle screams) Shaaa!


Doctor: Did Link dye his hair while I was gone?


Agatha: No, that’s Shadow Link. Link’s future self’s shadow incarnate.


Sena: They told me they were twins!


Agatha: Initially they told me that too. They probably tired to simplify it in a way most people could understand.


Doctor: Oh yes, I recall hearing about the boy. Four centuries in Link’s future and the cause of some of his concerns about paradoxes. As well as the fact the lad supposedly died in his world before coming here.


Shadow Link: Kyaaa!


Person: (monotone, lamely) Ow.


Shadow Link: (accented) Die heartless!


(loud thump)


Agatha: So those things are heartless then!


Sena: W-why do the bodies look more real?


Doctor: Sena! Your feet!


(sound of someone bumping into someone else)


Shadow Link: (accented) Are you okay?


Sena: (awed) You can see me?


Narrator: Will those insects ever appear? Why do the heartless look like people? And why can Link’s shadow self actually see them? Find out next time on the next episode of the adventures of Agatha Heterodyne,


All: (loud) Girl Genius!


Metal Bits (Part 3)

Voice Acting Cast (in order of appearance):

Narrator: Linds

Agatha: Shay

Doctor: Meli

Sena: Aim

Person: Dan

Shadow Link: Noel

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Radio Play: Metal Bits (part 1) [21 Nov 2009|12:59pm]

Narrator: (announcer-like) It is a world ruled by Mad Science-! No, wait, not this world. This world is arguably ruled by some unknown number of yet-to-be-named deities that like to fiddle with the lives of fictional characters. But this alternate reality is not actually half-bad because it does have its own aspects of Mad Science and Fantasy! It is a world filled with ancient and modern warriors, magic, devils, and little black things called ‘heartless’! This is the world of Traverse Town: home for those who have no other place to go!


Narrator: In our last (quietly) but extremely imaginary (normal) episode, the Spark Agatha Heterodyne,


Agatha: (excited) Science!


Narrator: and her companion, the enigmatic Time Lord that calls himself ‘Doctor’,


Doctor: (casually) Tea?


Narrator: and her hired minion, the infamous masked hero of football called Eyeshield 21 who secretly turns into Sena Kobayakawa when he takes off his helmet,


Sena: (scared/startled) Hii!


Narrator: managed to find some fairly interesting metal bits in a tr- (appalled) trash can!? What kind of adventure was that!?


Sena: (confused) Um, Traverse Town isn’t that big?


Narrator: (annoyed) Are you that desperate for materials?!


Agatha: (sheepishly) …Yes.


Doctor: (chatty) Oh, it’s quite alright. You’d be amazed what people throw away!


Narrator: (begrudgingly) I suppose that’s true…. (coughs, then quietly) Now where was I? Ah yes! (normal) –Metal bits in a trash can, which they have brought back to Agatha’s small, but slowly growing, lab!


Agatha: We must examine this right away! I have to know what it is!


Sena: …It’s shiny metal?


Doctor: Always could not be. Not everything is as it appears to be. It could be a very useful quasi-mechanical equilibrium device.


Sena: Don’t those have buttons on it?


Doctor: Sometimes they don’t.


Agatha: It might be broken! It might be boring! Let’s find out!!


(laser sounds)


Sena: …Did anything happen?


(tapping on metal noise)


Agatha: Nothing happened to the metal. Hmm….


Doctor: That was a spectacular flash of light, perhaps it emitted something?


Sena: L-like r-radiation?


Doctor: Entirely possible.


Sena: Hiii!


Agatha: I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the case, I have radiometers in here, they would have sounded an alarm if there had been an increase in radiation. Maybe it just changes color if you hit it with a laser? (disappointed) That’s pretty boring….


Sena: Boring is good!


Agatha: Sena, remind me we need to work on your project enthusiasm later.


Sena: Uh, okay?


Doctor: We could at least find out what kind of metal it was.


Agatha: (excitedly) Oh yes! Stress test, conduction test, ultra-violet radiation test, magnetism test, (loud) let’s get to work!


(alarm sound)


Sena: Agatha-sama! It’s lunch time!


Doctor: And a fairly convenient time to stop.


Agatha: Bu-but-!


Sena: Its okay, we can get back to work right after lunch?


Agatha: (begrudgingly) …Alright. Lunch it is.


(sound of footsteps)


Doctor: Your kitchen needs restocking.


Sena: But we have-!


Doctor: -No tea. Absolutely no tea. I can forgive you for forgoing the 178 piece Gallifryen tea set but no tea? Next to water it’s the single most popular beverage in the universe.


Agatha: Why don’t we stop by the cafĂ© then?


Sena: Ack! Let me get my helmet! (sound of running, screeching, opening, slamming, running)


Doctor: He is rather fast.


Agatha: Of course he is! Speed is necessary in a good minion!


Doctor: Is he okay with that?


Agatha: I’m paying him a fair wage.


Doctor: Okay then.


Sena: (breathing heavily) O-okay, let’s go.


(walking on cobbles)


Haruhi: (humming)


(sound of some chairs scraping and people sitting)


Haruhi: Huh? I thought I tucked in those chairs….


Sena: Haruhi-kun, what are you talking about?


Agatha: We’re kind of sitting here?


Doctor: (short chair scraping) Umph! Hey! I’m sitting here!


Sena: Haruhi-kun!


Haruhi: Why is this chair so heavy?


Agatha: (loudly) Hey we’re right here!


Haruhi: This is so weird…. I’m going to go ask Anezaki-sama about it….


(sound of feet walking away)


Doctor: This isn’t good.


Agatha/Sena: Doctor[-san]?


Doctor: I believe we might have been knocked out of perceived reality by a chemical compound bonded with the metal. Pretty soon we’ll encounter some nasty dimension eating insects if this is anything like the last time this happened. Its Vore technology, the only reason we haven’t noticed the second moon is the fact that it’s still light out. This is a mess but it probably won’t be as problematic with your death ray and those shoes you have….


Sena: Th-that isn’t good is it?


Doctor: Most would consider that to be a misfortune, yes.


Agatha: (loudly) This is great!


Sena: Hii!


Agatha: (excitedly) There’s so much to learn! We should go exploring!


Doctor: (thoughtfully) Well killing those bugs is going to be a necessary for the sake of preserving Traverse Town proper…. I have no reason to object.


Sena: (hesitantly) Oh, okay.


Agatha: Don’t worry Sena! This is an adventure!


Sena: …That’s what I was afraid of.


Narrator: What does Agatha intend to learn from this experience? What will the Doctor do if he actually finds some of the horrible insect monsters he just spoke of? Will poor Sena get a moment’s rest? And will they ever get lunch!? Find out on the next exciting episode of the adventures of Agatha Heterodyne,


All: (loudly) Girl Genius!

Metal Bits (Part 2)

Voice Acting Cast (in order of appearance):

Narrator: Linds

Agatha: Shay

Doctor: Meli

Sena: Aim

Haruhi: Noel


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