
September 8th, 2009

September 8th, 2009


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"The Secret is Out"
I'm going to write on this for Sakon because he's currently passed out after about a full night of drinking his liver to the gates of hell and smoking his lungs to ashes.

In short, our parents wanted to speak with us. We were gone longer than I expected, which surprised both of us. Usually, those idiots back South don't want to talk to us much. Well...they don't want to talk to him. They love me. No surprise. I don't drink myself to stupidity. But we can't all be perfect.

I've been put on another medication. It's a trial kind. Not excited about that at all. These people have no concept of the word "side-effects." I've been sick half the morning--not that you care to know but I'm going to tell you anyway. Rarely have I ever felt so bitchy. If you need me at this point, it's probably better to talk to Sakon. Yeah. That bad.
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