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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark - Baby Meme
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Baby Meme
shield_maiden From: [info]shield_maiden Date: May 21st, 2013 11:34 pm (UTC) (Link)
A. Svanhvít Svalinsdottir
B. Capricorn
C. Svalin found comfort and solace in the arms of Iason after Vernique's passing. Iason was one of the very few people left that Svalin knew.
D. 6'6", blond, blue eyes, body of a Greek goddess.
1. Svanhvit is a unique blend of Asgardian and Eternal, being almost at Asgardian levels for strength and durability even if she is only half Asgardian. She did inherit Dad's ability to absorb energy and she can emit it as a white light.
2. Svanhvit has no magical abilities what so ever. She's not bothered by this.
3. She looks up to big brother Solver and followed him everywhere. Including in the air when she discovered she could fly at the age of one.
4. Solver is the Sun God. She is the Moon Goddess. They will both live to see the Golden Age after Ragnarok.
5. Odin and Zuras are both intrigued by the blending of Asgardian and Eternal and are closely watching Svanhvit and trying to figure out how she fits into things.
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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark
User: [info]anyastark
Name: Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark
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