St Columban's College, Arcadia, VT
a literary history RPG
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9th-Jan-2008 07:13 am - Cast List.


Saint Augustine of Hippo
Austin Goldberg
played by Mr Andy Samberg

Emily Dickinson
Elise Dickinson
played by Miss Lauren Ambrose

Jacob Grimm
Jake Grimm
played by Mr Fran Kranz

Wilhelm Grimm
Wesley Grimm
played by Mr Fran Kranz

Henry Miller
played by Mr Mark Ronson

Lucy Montgomery
played by Miss Rachel McAdams

Anaïs Nin
played by Miss Rosario Dawson

Friedrich Nietzsche
Fred Nietzsche
played by Mr Sam Rockwell

Edgar Allan Poe
Ed Allan-Poe
played by Mr Bill Callahan

Lou Andreas-Salomé
Lou Salomé
played by Miss Claire Danes

Ilana Saffa
played by Miss Darla Baker

Will Shakespeare
played by Mr Paul Rudd

Robert Louis Stevenson
played by Mr Joel Plaskett

Bram Stoker
Aubrey Stoker
played by Miss Kristen Stewart

Tom Thomson
played by Mr Martin Tielli

Also Featuring

J.M. Barrie
played by Mr Zach Braff

Geoffrey Chaucer
Gen Chaucer
played by Mrs Katherine Heigl


Jane Austen
played by Mrs Kate Winslet

Nora Barnacle

played by Miss Ginnifer Goodwin

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Barrett
played by Mrs Rachel Weisz

Anne Brontë
played by Miss Caroline Dhavernas

Charlotte Brontë
played by Miss Amelia Warner

Emily Brontë
played by Miss Leslie Feist

Lord Byron
played by Mr Cillian Murphy

Miguel de Cervantes
Michael Cervantes
played by Mr Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Agatha Christie
Clarissa Miller
played by Mrs Keri Russell

John Donne

played by Mr Simon John Beverley

Fyodor Dostoevsky
Lev Mikhailovich
played by Mr Robyn Hitchcock

James Joyce

played by Mr Callum Blue

(D. Iunius Iuvenalis)

Jules Aquino
played by Mr Chris Marquette

Søren Kierkegaard

played by Mr Alexis Denisof

Charles Lamb

played by Mr Anthony Rapp

Mary Lamb
Nina Lamb
played by Mrs Billie Piper

C.S. Lewis
Claire Lewis
played by Miss Laura Fraser

H.P. Lovecraft

played by Mr Conor Oberst

Caitlin Macnamara

played by Miss Anna Torv

(M. Valerius Martialis)

Marshall Valeira
played by Mr Milo Ventimiglia

Flannery O'Connor

played by Miss Zooey Deschanel

Dr John Polidori

played by Mr Joaquin Phoenix

Christina Rossetti
played by Miss Summer Glau

Mary Shelley
Mary Godwin
played by Mrs Maggie Gyllenhaal

Johanna Spyri
Johanna Heusser
played by Mrs Patricia Clarkson

Jonathan Swift

played by Mr James Nesbitt

Sara Teasdale
Sadie Trevor
played by Mrs Anna Friel

Dylan Thomas

played by Mr Brendan Hines

J.R.R. Tolkien
Fr Robin Tolkien, SJ
played by Mr Burn Gorman

Edith Wharton
Evie Newbold-Jones
played by Miss Sienna Miller

Oscar Wilde

played by Mr Stephen Fry

Virginia Woolf
Virginia Stephen
played by Miss Regina Spektor

W.B. Yeats
Liam Yeats
played by Mr Hugh Grant

La Junta

C. Valerius Catullus

Cate Metelli
played by Miss Eliza Dushku

P. Ovidius Naso

Pablo Oliviero
played by Mr Julian Casablancas

P. Vergilius Maro

Anthony Vergotti
played by Mr Jim Sturgess

Whereabouts Unknown

Zora Neale Hurston
played by Miss Tracie Thoms

Christopher Marlowe

played by Mr Paul Bettany

Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Gabe Rossetti
played by Mr Ben Barnes

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