For this entry, I decided to provide my expressions to what I am saying.
| So I did ASME stuff, ran errands, and hung out with Queenie yesterday. |
| Okay, I'm explaining the ASME thing because I've been giving myself a headache trying to make it work. If anyone wants to ask questions or offer suggestions, please let me know. |
| And by ASME stuff, I'm referring to my machine that sorts aluminum, tin/steel, plastic, and glass by itself. You pour the things in one end and get stuff sorted out the other end in the other. Right now our biggest issue is the hopper, although our glass and aluminum sorters were kind of crappy in the original design and not quite accurate enough. Tin was the only thing that really worked 100% of the time. |
| Current machine: Hopper-Plastic sorter-Tin/Steel sorter-Glass sorter-Aluminum sorter-Unsorted We start by having a prong-conveyor system (basically we have a little claw thing reach down underneath stuff and pull it out of the hopper and into the machine. The plastic sort is based on the size of the material (in this competition plastic is the longest by far). Everything goes into our small hole except plastic. Next, material falls through this hole to hit a guide bar that directs it right at the large rotating wheel with magnets on it. Tin/Steel is the only stuff that's magnetic and it gets caught and scraped off. If it's not magnetic, it just hits the magnet wheel and falls onto the giant, flapping, trapdoor thing we've got. Since Glass is much heavier than aluminum, it pushes the trap door down and falls into our glass bin. Aluminum is light, so it just slides down onto our metal detector. If metal, it turns and pushes it into the aluminum bin. If not metal, it just gets swiped into the unsorted bin. |
| There are many issues with the design, first of which is that stuff doesn't always come out of the hopper in the perfect orientation. Also, if the glass has a metal cap, it gets mis-sorted into the aluminum bin. And our glass sorter doesn't always trigger if the glass is light enough. So as a result, we're re-designing the entire thing. Hence the need for testing machines. |
| Good news, I got both of our testing machines to work. |
| Results: we now have a means of creating an accurate glass sorter (current one is 50%, new one would be 100-80%) and an accurate aluminum sorter (current one is about 30-70% (depends on how you look at it), new one would be 100% if we can get it to work in our machine). And we're pretty sure we lose about 80 grams if we do this re-design. Since weight is a factor in this competition, that's a good thing. Also, we think there will be a decreased overall sort time as well, which is also a score factor. |
| In case anyone is wondering score is 0 + 1000s - 1500m +100u - t - w/10 = SCORE (where s = number of correctly sorted items (max 12, min 0), m = number of incorrectly sorted items (max 12, min 0), u = number of items in the unsorted bin (max 12, min 0), t = number of seconds the machine was operating (max 300 seconds, min something >0), and w = weight in grams). So we need to make it sort everything correctly or if there is an error, it goes into the unsorted. Once we achieve that, we need to minimize weight and time. |
| Now at districts our machine was by far the lightest of the metal machines. It was not as light as the ones that were made from cardboard were, but it was plenty light. We got a maximum time penalty because our machine jammed (if your machine jams or for some reason you turn it off before all items sort, you get the maximum time penalty). |
| My team's priorities are to get the machine such that everything is either getting sorted or properly thrown into the unsorted bin. That way we're still getting positive points for every item in. In order to accomplish our first goal, we need to stop the jamming and make the hopper more reliable. We also need to get our glass, aluminum, and plastic sorters better.
And that's why the testing machines are giving us great news! That means we only have to worry about the plastic sorter and the hopper. |
| As for what the hopper does (and this is the HARD PART) we need it to take different sized containers and put them into our machine at a consistent rate and at about the same orientation. We cannot use our hands. It has to be a machine. If you can help with that, at all, in any way, I would love you forever. |
| In other news, Jenny McCarthy is an ignorant woman with power who is preaching ignorance and it makes me sick. Very sick. |
| For a start, autism is not caused by vaccines. They've done twin studies and all sorts of experiments testing this. Now, those who are autistic are naturally more prone to having side-effects from taking vaccines. Jenny's son (I did read her book) had his immune system trashed worse than that of an AIDS patient because of his hypersensitivity and intolerance for the MRR vaccine. So yes, the conclusion the vaccine messed up her kid is correct. The conclusion her son got autism from the experience is not. |
| Jenny, you are stupid and ignorant. Internet research is not always quality stuff and when there is so little real known stuff on autism, you're just looking at speculation. I've read medical journals love, you want to know what autism is? It's technically a physical deformation of the brain along with the lack of certain brain chemicals. That's right, your son's brain is deformed. And guess what? It was that way from birth because brains don't turn deformed unless you do one of two things to it 1) mutilate it physically (I.E. an accident) or 2) or have a series of strokes (which is internal mutilation). Your kid didn't have either. There is no way he would have lost the major neurons otherwise, he was born with them. |
| Also, your son has a gluten allergy and is lactose intolerant. Both those things are actually pretty common, certainly more common than autism. Do notice how you mentioned that those diet changes didn't seem to work with some kids in your book- that's because they aren't allergic or unable to process that stuff. Autistic children, especially when they are young, have issues handling certain chemicals or complex foods. I couldn't eat bran as a child, now I can. I've tried a few of those autistic diets and they didn't work for me. Or Queenie for that matter. Or anyone else I know personally with the autism. |
| So yeah, your son suffered a nasty vaccine side effect and has autism. Maybe if you paid attention you would have realized that your son's autistic behaviors are ones you have in you. I can see where my autism came from, I can see the behaviors in my parents. I can see those same behaviors in Queenie's parents and her. Can you? |
| That woman, I really, really hate what she's doing. She has no idea how horrible she is being. No idea at all. She thinks she's helping. Worst kind of ignorance, worst kind. |
| In other news I've been house-sitting for my folks. Which means sleeping in their bed with Jigger, the family dog. Now, Jigger moves in his sleep, he gets up and walks around in circles to make himself comfortable on the bed, he cleans himself hella loudly and does this on and off all night. This results in me -the light sleeper- not sleeping well. Jigger woke me at 6:10 am this morning to get himself fed and to pee. |
| At least he's a sweet dog or this would be more painful. |
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