The Salvage of my Sanity...
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-08-03 16:12
Subject: Songs for Daddy- Chapter 7: Be My Escape
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Music:"Be My Escape"- Relient K
Tags:es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, songs for daddy

Rating: This chapter is rated T, for swearing mostly.

Story So Far: Hiruma Youichi hadn't been openly married to his wife, that was something Anezaki has come to learn as she re-encounters Hiruma Youichi through his daughter, Emiko.

Warnings: Mentions of shitty father-son relationships and shitty mother-daughter relationships.

Notes: Be My Escape is by Relient K, I do not own it.

Links: To the youtube playlist

To the links post

Songs for Daddy


Chapter 7: Be My Escape

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-08-03 16:05
Subject: Songs for Daddy- Chapter 6: Closer to You
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:happy happy
Music:"Closer to You" - The Wallflowers
Tags:es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, songs for daddy

Rating: This chapter is rated T for adult themes and a little bit of swearing.

Story So Far: Takekura reminisces about the disappearance of his old friend, Hiruma Youichi. 

Warnings: More hints of unpleasant parenting.

Notes: Closer to You is by The Wallflowers, I do not own it.

Links: To the youtube playlist

To the links post

Songs for Daddy


Chapter 6: Closer to You


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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-08-03 15:40
Subject: Songs for Daddy- Chapter 5: Wonderful
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Music:"Wonderful" - Everclear
Tags:es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, songs for daddy

Rating: This chapter is rated T for swearing mostly. And a lot of talk about spankings.

Story So Far: Emiko seems to be at the heart of all the matters. She's the missing man's daughter (who just lost custody of her) and is the one odd ball in Anezaki's kindergarten class.

Warnings: Hints of abuse and threat notebooks.

Notes: Wonderful is by Everclear, I do not own it.

Links: To the youtube playlist

To the links post

Songs for Daddy


Chapter 5: Wonderful

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-08-03 15:29
Subject: Songs for Daddy- Chapter 4: She's the Blade
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:happy happy
Music:"She's the Blade" - Sugarcult
Tags:es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, songs for daddy

Rating: This chapter is rated T for drinking and swearing.

Story So Far: Hiruma Youichi, a man who has distanced himself from his close friends for several years, has just lost custody of his daughter, a girl who's starting to enter the big world.

Warnings: A drunk Youichi who is also pissy.

Notes: She's the Blade is by Sugarcult, I do not own it. To prevent confusion, I am calling all of the Hirumas by their first names.

Links: To the youtube playlist

To the links post

Songs for Daddy


Chapter 4: She's the Blade

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-08-03 15:21
Subject: Songs for Daddy- Chapter 3: Lonely Day
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:good good
Music:"Lonely Day" - System of a Down
Tags:es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, songs for daddy

Rating: This chapter is rated K+, for Emiko being Emiko and children being innocently cruel.

Story So Far: Anezaki unknowingly has the missing Hiruma's daughter in her class. And Hiruma has a few issues with his in-laws it seems....

Warnings: A young girl who is not quite right in the head.

Notes: Lonely Day is by System of a Down, I do not own it.

Links: To the youtube playlist

To the links post

Songs for Daddy


Chapter 3: Lonely Day

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-08-03 11:15
Subject: Songs For Daddy- Chapter 2: Photograph
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:happy happy
Music:"Photograph" - Nickleback
Tags:es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, songs for daddy

Rating: This chapter is rated T for arguing between adults and swearing.

Story So Far: Takekura had remarked that his old friend had been missing for several years. Anezaki has a new girl join her class that's not normal....

Warnings: Crazy old ladies and football analogies.

Notes: Photograph is by Nickleback, I do not own it.

Links: To the youtube playlist

To the links post

Songs for Daddy


Chapter 2: Photograph

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-08-03 11:06
Subject: Songs for Daddy- Chapter 1: The Wrong Child
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:bouncy bouncy
Music:"The Wrong Child" - REM
Tags:es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, songs for daddy

Rating: This chapter is rated K+, for Emiko being Emiko

Story So Far: Takekura reminisces about the disappearance of his old friend, Hiruma Youichi. 

Warnings: A young girl who is not quite right in the head.

Notes: The Wrong Child is by REM, I do not own it.

Links: To the youtube playlist

To the links post

Songs for Daddy


Chapter 1: The Wrong Child

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-08-03 10:33
Subject: Songs for Daddy- Prolouge: Nightswimming
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:happy happy
Music:"Nightswimming" - REM
Tags:es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori, songs for daddy

Author: bar_ohki

Title: Songs for Daddy

Rating: Most chapters will be T for swearing, adult topics, and whatnot. There will be a few M rated scenes for gore and sex in later chapters.

Summary: A future fic based off the ending of the manga. Six years prior to the start of the story, Hiruma abandons his job, his football team, and his friends, disappearing into nothing. In the present, Mamori finds a strange girl in her kindergarten class, a girl strange enough to have the only remaining connection to the missing quarterback….

Pairings: Past HirumaOC, present nothing decided, future HiruMamo.

Warnings: Angst, depressing things, death, childish innocence, Hiruma’s vocabulary, sex, and parents being evil.

Notes: Nightswimming is by REM, I do not own it.

Links: To the youtube playlist

To the links post


Songs for Daddy


Prologue: Nightswimming

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-07-25 16:31
Subject: Closing Time (part 4b/4)
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:pleased pleased
Music:"Closing Time" - Semisonic
Tags:closing time, es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori

Click here to return to part 4a.

Closing Time

Part 4: An Ending, A Beginning

Click here to return to the main link page.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-07-25 16:29
Subject: Closing Time (part 4a/4)
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:pleased pleased
Music:"Closing Time" - Semisonic
Tags:closing time, es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori

Click here to return to part 3.

Closing Time
Part 4: An Ending, A Beginning

Click here to go to part 4b.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-07-25 16:18
Subject: Closing Time (part 3/4)
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Music:"Closing Time" - Semisonic
Tags:closing time, es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori

Click here to return to part 2.

Closing Time
Part 3: A Step Forward

Click here to go to part 3.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-07-25 16:15
Subject: Closing Time (part 2/4)
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Music:"Closing Time" - Semisonic
Tags:closing time, es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori

Click here to return to part 1.

Closing Time
Part 2: A Reminder of the Past

Click here to go to part 3.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-07-25 15:46
Subject: Closing Time (part 1/4)
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Music:"Closing Time" - Semisonic
Tags:closing time, es 21, es21, eyeshield 21, fanfic, fanfiction, hiruma, hirumamo, mamori

Rating: Rated T, for swearing, adult themes, and using guns on inanimate objects.
Synopsis: In an Alternative Ending of the Eyeshield 21 manga, where Team Japan wins the World Cup and Hiruma is declared the MVP, the Devil Bats members have gone their separate ways. Hiruma and Sena are NFL players, living in America, and Mamori is the secretary for a big time CEO in Japan. To her surprise, she stumbles upon a 'vactioning' Hiruma who is up to his usual hidden agendas. He brings plans, tricks, plays, and ultimately, an offer she can't refuse.
Pairings: Hiruma-Mamori, Sena-Suzuna.
Genre: Drama, Romance, and Slice of Life.
Notes: The title of this story, 'Closing Time' was take from a song titled 'Closing Time' by Semisonic. The particular line of the song that drew me in was 'Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end'.

Click here to goto the master link page.
Closing Time
Part 1: A 'Chance' Meeting

Click here to go to part 2.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-07-24 14:51
Subject: Kumori Con Fic Contest Entries!!
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:hopeful hopeful
Music:None, for now.....
Tags:contest, es 21, eyeshield 21, fanfics, hiruma, hirumamo, kcon, kumoricon, mamori, story preview

Alright folks, I'm going to Kumori Con and entering in the following fanfictions for their contest (Rules here):

These are all Eyeshield 21 stories:

A New Understanding: A series of one shots involving Hiruma Youichi interacting with individuals on the team. Stories range from Hiruma checking out boobs with Juumonji to convincing the team to show up at a track meet for Ishimaru.... This one is completed. Rated T. This would be placed for Best Comedy, Best Cannon.

Songs For Daddy: A HiruMamo story and a future fic. Hiruma goes to college, graduates, then is unable to join the NFL, so he starts working for Musashi and playing for that team. Almost all the old Devil Bats wind up working for Musashi (Sena and Monta do not, they join the NFL). Six years prior to the start of the story, Hiruma basicially disappears completely. No one knows where he went or even why he did. Mamori, who is a kindergarten teacher, has a strange new girl in her class named Emiko. It turns out Emiko is Hiruma's mildly autistic daughter from a loveless arranged marriage he hadn't told anyone about. Shit goes down and Hiruma starts picking up the pieces of his past to save his present. Why? Because he's lost custody of Emiko to his crazy mother-in-law..... This one is on going, chapter 26 in the works right now. This is a song fic, but not a typical one. Each chapter is a song title, and the lyrics and mood of the song reflect what is happening in the chapter. Occasionially I'll bring in the song lyrics and use them in the chapter itself. Rated MA. This would be placed for Best Song Fic, Best Novella - Serious, and Best Novel. With tweeking I could also make it Best Authencity.

Letters Home/Letters To The Feild: Two fics that are, in reality, the same story. Told from the perspectives of Mamori and Hiruma respetively. Hiruma is a Sergent in the military fighting in a World War II esque war. Mamori is the girl back home. Each story follows both characters and the circumstances surrounding the writing of their letters, trying to keep in touch..... This one is on going, currently at chapter 5 of 17 (for both stories). This would be rated M for Letters Home, and T for Letters to the Field. This would be placed for Best Drama, Best Romance, and maybe Best Novella - Serious. With tweaking I could make it WWII and yeah. Lots of tweaking. Ass loads of it.

So yeah, that's where I stand. I will be going through these stories, editing, then posting the polished stuff here this weekend. I need my submissions in by the 1st of August. Wish me luck!

I have won at the Kumori Con contest before. So I'm confident I can do it again.

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my journal
May 2011