i get more blow than a tea kettle's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
i get more blow than a tea kettle

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[01 Jul 2008|01:46pm]
i'm done here. i'm on lj.
3 comments|post comment

[15 May 2008|12:32am]
Happy birthday to me :))))
10 comments|post comment

[10 Apr 2008|11:44pm]
..so fucked up!
6 comments|post comment

[25 Mar 2008|12:49pm]
[info]skinnydip :)
8 comments|post comment

[11 Mar 2008|10:45pm]
Heather is in labor
1 comment|post comment

i suck at commenting tbh [28 Feb 2008|12:42am]
Psycho bipolar boyfriends and drugs are my thing.

21 comments|post comment

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