вαтмαиdα's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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100 Movies [11 Jan 2008|05:33am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | [tv] - futurama ]

Watch 100 movies that you haven't seen before. They can be movies in theaters, or older movies that I have yet to see but rented or watched on TV.

Starting Date: January 11th, 2008
Ending Date: December 31st, 2008

fear me, love me, do as i say )
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(000.) locked and loaded [11 Jan 2008|05:17am]
[ mood | blah ]

I most-likely don't give a shit about your community.
( BATMANDA ): → 18. born july 15th. lives in california. wants to live in las vegas. obsessive. lazy. red hair with bits of blonde and black. pierced x10. inked x3. graphic designer. musically challenged. camera-whore. 8 cats. unemployed. shy. only child. spoiled. night owl. easily amused. stupid. almost always hungry. a bit of a nerd. perverted. potty mouth.

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