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In a strange room you must empty yourself for sleep. Before you are emptied for sleep, what are you. [31 Jan 2008|09:53am]
[ mood | Happy. ]
[ music | Nada. ]

Estoy feliz ahora porque mi novio es simpatico hoy. Despues escuela y trabajar, fuimos ir a la mi casa para 'dormir'. ;]

Today has been much better. He and I talked for a little after school, and had a pretty swell time. Except for a minor mishap that I'll probably explain next time I update, since I haven't got much time now. Five minutes and he and I are free from school until Monday. Thank God for finals, really. Easy finals. We will hang out from ten in the morning until he goes to work at two, and then I go to work at five and get off at ten (maybe nine, like last night). And then he'll be accompanying me back to my humble abode and he'll be spending the night with me, and then we'll be spending all day Friday together before he goes to band practice, and I go to Veronica's for a night of movies and junk food, and possibly a hot tub? She's a sweet girl. 

I'm looking forward to the weekend, for once.

Joe brought Ratatouille! And we will watch it.

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