you'll come back when it's over

there's no need to say goodbye

6/14/08 08:37 pm

Comment on this entry with a character and three prompts - a noun, an adjective, and a verb - and I'll write a little drabble about it.

Wow, I totally fail at rping you guys. I hardly ever play Byron and I think I've played Tess once and Miguel...never (and Miguel is Ben Barnes, which is so very sad). So expect to get some pings from me all HEY YOU ME NOW with an angry face. And I will start being more interactive-y on Scribbld and Wetpaint too, I promise.

6/10/08 06:46 pm

What would you say are the trademarks of my writing? What themes or quirks or turns of phrase have you noticed? What is it that makes a story by me -- well, a story by me?


Certain characters of mine have been dosed with a potion that makes them tell only the truth.. Ask them any question that you want, and he or she will answer truthfully!

6/3/08 06:56 pm

1) Pick one or more of my characters, and go here to generate 10 random numbers between 1 and 100. Generate a different set of numbers for each character you pick.

2) I will answer the corresponding questions from here from the point of view of the character(s).

5/22/08 05:20 pm

favorite for byron. )
Tags: ,

5/21/08 08:41 pm

I just introduced Miguel Cervantes to PS, so I figured I would write about him here.

Miguel is a bit of a snob. His parents are very, very well to do and he was raised in the sort of atmosphere where everyone surrounding him believed that they were just better than everyone else, so he just started to believe it too. He was never close to his mother and father, but extremely close with his great-uncle, who would sit him on his knee and make up stories for him. Miguel believed them, too, until he grew up enough to know better. Now he knows that marvelous knights don't save people, money saves people. Money, good looks, and charisma: it's what gets your foot indoors. And Miguel has all three. So far, it's been enough.

Once people get past Miguel's charm, they see the real side of him, the arrogant and sometimes downright mean side of him. Sometimes he'll dislike someone else for the simple reason that others do like them. He's very catty and very manipulative and because of this, he's never been able to ever have anyone very close to him.

5/19/08 12:43 pm - letters!

Here's what you give me:
1) one of my characters
2) one of your characters

Here's what I'll give you:
1) a letter of some sort written to that character

I decided I haven't been rping enough to do the pb's. "List five of your least favorite pbs" uhhh I do not have any? Was basically how that went before I gave up. :)

5/19/08 12:31 pm - introductions

This is the character development journal for a few of my games! Even though I don't have that many characters! Wooh!

A Broken Domino )

Stage Left )

Pierian Springs )
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