Dinah Kord - Something's Different About You [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Dinah Kord

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Something's Different About You [Apr. 18th, 2011|11:37 pm]
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Dinah had to admit, the whole relationship thing with Riley?  That was really nice.  It really made all the time they had wasted not being a true blue couple seem like such a waste.  Though, all things considered, they'd pretty much been one, except for the whole making out thing.

Which she had to admit, was really nice.  Having a couple of rooms at the Tower where they could do it without her dad trying to prevent it?  Or where they could lock Skeets in the closet if he got too nosy?  Also good.

So yeah.  Things were going pretty good.

"...Hey, what's with the stopping?  The kissing was just getting good."


[User Picture]From: [info]boosted_gold
2011-04-19 07:07 pm (UTC)


Riley sat up, putting his back to the wall, looking at her curiously. Something had felt of when her weight shifted against him.

"..there's something different about you."
[User Picture]From: [info]bwa_ha_ha
2011-04-19 08:52 pm (UTC)


Dinah flushed just a little red, but she gave Riley one of those "what are you talking about?" looks.

"Huh? I... I don't know what you're talking about."
[User Picture]From: [info]boosted_gold
2011-04-19 10:24 pm (UTC)


Riley peered at her.

And peered.

Then his gaze dropped about six inches.

"Are.... are they...?"
[User Picture]From: [info]bwa_ha_ha
2011-04-19 10:36 pm (UTC)


Dinah crossed her arms, a gesture which seemed to place them a little further out than usual.

"I don't know what you're..."
[User Picture]From: [info]boosted_gold
2011-04-19 10:37 pm (UTC)


Riley's forehead seemed to slope, as he let out a reflexive happy grunt.

"Uh... that. That right there.

[User Picture]From: [info]bwa_ha_ha
2011-04-19 10:43 pm (UTC)


Dinah blushed and looked sheepish for a moment.

"Oh. Yeah. Those."

She blushed more furiously, almost the same color as her hair. She looked down, then up at Riley. "Kinda... noticeable, huh?"
[User Picture]From: [info]boosted_gold
2011-04-19 10:54 pm (UTC)


"I didn't really notice for sure from just looking at them!" He exclaims, thinking he's helping.

He then blushes, and sports a cocky grin.
[User Picture]From: [info]bwa_ha_ha
2011-04-19 11:02 pm (UTC)


"So you don't pay that much attention to my breasts?" Dinah asked, with a bit of mirth. "Good to know."

She returned to looking sheepish. "But yeah, I kinda... just woke up a couple days ago, and they were... bigger. Turns out the Scarab kinda... did some cosmetic improvements overnight."
[User Picture]From: [info]boosted_gold
2011-04-19 11:12 pm (UTC)


Riley seems to tense up.

"They're not like... weaponized now, are they?"
[User Picture]From: [info]bwa_ha_ha
2011-04-19 11:21 pm (UTC)


"No," Dinah said, quickly. "Just... bigger."

"According to the Scarab, it picked up on some subconscious desires and acted on it. Cleaned up my acne too."
[User Picture]From: [info]boosted_gold
2011-04-19 11:44 pm (UTC)


Riley tilts his head. "Is that my subconscious or yours?"
[User Picture]From: [info]bwa_ha_ha
2011-04-20 12:20 am (UTC)


"Mine, I think," Dinah said. "I was under the impression you considered me practically perfect."
[User Picture]From: [info]boosted_gold
2011-04-20 12:21 am (UTC)


"So was I." He smiles, tugging her back down for further... intense cuddling.
[User Picture]From: [info]bwa_ha_ha
2011-04-20 12:59 am (UTC)


Time for a bit of a test drive, as it were.

A sexy test drive.