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Camp Rules [Sep. 4th, 2010|12:13 am]
01. Play nice. In the immortal words of Wil Wheaton, "Don't be a dick." This applies even to those of us not possessing of the organ in question. This shouldn't need any further explanation.

02. Know the books. You don't have to be an expert on all things Percy, but have an idea of the world and its setting before you apply.

03. There is no character limit at this time, however you must have two characters in play and successfully developing before you may apply for a child of the Big Three. It is at the admins discretion to decide success rate.

04. NPCs (non player characters) created for a game community are very different from PCs (player characters). NPCs, and any connected journals created for those NPCs, belong to the community and should stay with the community whether the creator does or not. If the creator leaves, the NPCs stay, but the creator will continue to receive credit.

05. PCs are an entirely different matter. If a player leaves the game, we strongly encourage them to write their characters out first. If a player does not, and leaves a major PC with many plots and relationships hanging, the admins reserve the right to gracefully write that character out, in a way that is respectful to both the character, the player, and the players remaining. (We will not kill your character.)

06. Please remember to add a tag for your character to posts.

07. Game-related posts should be posted in [info]camphalfblood. Out of character notes should be posted on the OOC comm [info]chb_corkboard. First person, journal entries should be kept to the characters personal journals.

08. Any upgrades made to a character during game play must be cleared with the admins. This includes powers and equipment.

09. We do not have a minimum posting requirement. However, if you agree to participate in a plot, let us know if you're going to be taking extended time away from the game. Real life always comes first, but as a courtesy to your fellow players, please try to give some notice and plan for how your character will be handled in ongoing plots while you're away.

10. The three day rule. (In relation to Rule # 09). If your character is in a thread and you do not tag in for three consecutive days without notice to the plot director or the admins, the admins will write around your character to keep the story moving. We understand that emergencies come up and not every hiatus is planned, so an exception will be made the first time. If a pattern of behavior becomes a problem, then this rule will come into play.

11. Regarding character violence: No maiming or killing without the other player's permission. Generally when playing out a fight scene in RP, the players involved will be consulting each other via IM or in email. Fight fairly as players, even if it's a dirty fight between characters. Hit and be hit.

12. Pitch in. Nobody likes to be the one making all the decisions and coming up with all the ideas. Yes, the admins will be taking the responsibility of keeping the game moving with fun and fresh ideas, but players need to do their part. This includes not being "that guy" who bemoans his/her lack of things to do while simultaneously refusing to form any ideas or suggestions.

13. Let's talk about sex: It is not unreasonable to assume that the older teenagers will be thinking about getting closer. That being said, please remember Argus has a thousand eyes and they are all watching the campers. If an adventurous couple wants to sneak off into the monster infested woods and take their chances, go for it! Just be sure to fade to black and take it to character journals. No characters under the age of 15.

14. Have fun! This is a game and it should be fun. If it's not, let the admins know about the problem and we'll work to fix it.


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