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30 Questions Meme [Nov. 17th, 2008|04:34 am]
From [info]lienne. Deal is: I answer thirty questions with the names of people; if you want to know what the questions are, you ping/message/email me privately or comment with a request and (in theory) promise to do the meme.

1. [info]misscam, because she could convert the wankshelter for use vs zombies or whatever.
2. Umm... [info]ceitfianna. Because of Will Scarlet. Shuttup, I'm allowed to use really tenuous links.
3. ...I have absolutely no idea.
4. [info]ultramarine informs me that it's lolarious.
5. [info]weaverandom. NO-ONE WOULD SUSPECT.
6. Who in their right mind doesn't want [info]gyllespi's Harley Quinn costume? Really.
7. Me, [info]lienne, [info]ultramarine and [info]adiva_calandia. *not making reference to anything with this one, oh no!*
8. ...everyone? That question really covers all bases.
9. [info]jazalove. Look at her Halloween photos and tell me it isn't true. I've got Walt Disney on the line.
10. [info]lienne, OBVIOUSLY.
11. [info]ultramarine. Nothing capable of being exploded would be safe.
12. [info]ultramarine again, but only 'cause he'd let me.
13. Probably most of the people on my flist. xD
14. PFF. [info]lienne. CHALLENGE ME, C'MON. And [info]ultramarine can totally come along too, if he's very very good.
15. [info]lienne, with an ambition to test that theory just as soon as is humanly possible.
16. My iPod.
17. Hmm. Mmm. Nope, can't really think of anyone. OH WAIT HANG ON, [info]lienne!
18. Can think of bits and pieces I want to steal off people; can't think of anyone's whose life I'd live wholesale, warts and all. Possibly this is 'Devil You Know' syndrome.
19. Oh please. *hangs up a big sign reading This Is The Internet, Everyone Has Those*
20. So many people! Okay, um... CURSE [info]furikku AND HER MAD PERSPECTIVE SKILLZ.
21. Again, so many people. I'ma namedrop [info]lienne again, because she knows words I don't and remembers stuff for more than five seconds at a time. Damn her.
22. One day I'll stop answering [info]lienne constantly. ♥
23. But this is not that day. (Three guesses, and the first two don't count.)
24. I'm thinking [info]solitude_82. I know she wants to be.
25. [info]lienne's! And it will kick ass.
26. [info]lienne, your name is getting repetitive. Stop it.
28. [info]ultramarine and his abandoned stuff along with other things. Utterly, utterly gorgeous.
29. Whut. Umm... [info]adiva_calandia, 'cause she's the only flister I can think of who I know can act.
30. [info]weaverandom, what with being all workingful.

Ahaha, I just know that I'm going to read over this entry a couple years or so into the future and worry myself silly wondering what all the different questions were. xD

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