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Corpus Callosum

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! [Dec. 16th, 2008|11:23 pm]
Avatar casting = what the hell. And everyone else on the internet has phrased this a lot better than I can, and also I'm braindead, so I'm just going to say go to [info]aang_aint_white and read the stuff there and check out some of the links and see why this is so full of bad and fail.

In less globally important news, I'm doing a thing to make me think that I can do things. 20,000 words of my one-day-this-will-be-a-novel by the time I go back to uni in the new year. Think of it as my own personal less-challenging NaNoWriMo. And if I manage to do this thing, then I will once again believe that I am capable of doing things in general, or at least that's the theory.

The following wordcount represents the entirety of the first scene. It's less of an impressive start when you consider that it took me three days to do, and that the first half was a rewrite rather than a bunch of new stuff, but I'm pretty pleased with it nonetheless.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
1,988 / 20,000

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