[ as i set down these notes on paper ] - Hi, 2009. [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Corpus Callosum

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Hi, 2009. [Jan. 1st, 2009|01:30 am]
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If you are better than 2008, then I will give you cookies.

...Well, that's a little harsh. 2008 had
, after all.

How about this: if you end on a happier note than 2007 and 2008, and don't include any major failsplosions, then I will give you cookies. Do we have a deal?

(I would also like the same damn microsoft popup to stop popping up and popping up and popping up and popping up and popping up and popping up and popping up and popping up, but I suspect that I need to voice this complaint to an authority other than the date.)