[ as i set down these notes on paper ] - I want a happy Sokka icon. [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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I want a happy Sokka icon. [Jan. 4th, 2009|01:03 am]
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...it probably should not be this difficult to email a tutor. Yeah, my sixth form teachers were onto something when they said I had trouble asking for help. *snork*

Regardless, I have sent off an email to the effect of "sorry for being faily I am now going to stop being faily", and I have drawn up a list of the ways in which I'm going to stop being faily, in a bigass font on my pinboard (note to self: buy more pins). And I am also infintely grateful and FULL OF WAFFU WUV for [info]lienne, because her going "screw you, January!" has inspired me to stop going "nuuu i be dyin of January" and instead go "yeah! Screw you, January! YOU CAN'T BRING ME DOWN!" And then after the revolution there will be truth, and justice, and love in many delicious flavours and also, yes, a hard-boiled egg.

And that is the state of Caz at the moment. I've only just started the warm-ups, but at least I'm no longer sitting on the substitute bench moaning that I'm out of shape.