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I Can Has Cheezburger?

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Meowloween Kitteh of teh Day: Scared Ya, Didn't I? [26 Oct 2012|12:00am]
Meowloween Kitteh of teh Day: Scared Ya, Didn't I?
Join us for MOAR Meowloween cuteness and hilarity in the week leading up to Halloween! Clik heer 2 add a funneh capshun!

LoL by: Unknown (via Spooky Tsouki)

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A Tourist in My Own Home [26 Oct 2012|01:00am]
A Tourist in My Own Home

LoL by: Dr.Jim

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Kick the Baby! [26 Oct 2012|02:00am]
Kick the Baby!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: chimp , chimpanzee , zoo , baby , kick , glass , gif
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Otters in a Blanket [26 Oct 2012|03:00am]
Otters in a Blanket
Forget pigs-in-a-blanket, if you REALLY want your next house party to be a big success, you should try inviting Otters in blankets as your guests of honor. Life's too short to avoid the *SPLORT*! Visit Daily Squee for your daily cuteness!

Squee! Spotter: Unknown (via Addelburgh )

Tagged: squee , otters , blanket , nap , sleeping , /b/abies
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It's Your Turn to Walk the Dog [26 Oct 2012|04:00am]
It's Your Turn to Walk the Dog

LoL by: djcat595

Tagged: dogs , great dane , Zeus , backhoe , poop , cat , big dog
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Dunt ask. Jus uncawt meh. [26 Oct 2012|05:00am]
Dunt ask. Jus uncawt meh.

LoL by: DyannLynn

Tagged: caught , stuck , pull , rock , hard place , Cats , captions
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Hammie the French Bulldog vs. Laser Pointer [26 Oct 2012|06:00am]

Submitted by: Unknown

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Why Does Everybody Keep Asking Me That [26 Oct 2012|07:00am]
Why Does Everybody Keep Asking Me That

LoL by: HP

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Buttface [26 Oct 2012|08:00am]

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: butt , dogs , costume , tail , shake , cute , halloween
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The Kitten and The Marine [26 Oct 2012|09:00am]
The Kitten and The Marine
A story that will pull at your heartstrings - historical context for this squee picture below.
"Accepting her fate as an orphan of war, 'Miss Hap' a two-week old Korean kitten chows down on canned milk, piped to her by medicine dropper with the help of Marine Sergeant Frank Praytor ... The Marine adopted the kitten after its mother was killed by a mortar barrage near Bunker Hill. The name, Miss Hap, Sergeant Praytor explained, was given to the kitten 'because she was born at the wrong place at the wrong time'." - Korea, ca 1953

Squee! Spotter: Unknown (via U.S. Navel Institute )

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It Happens... [26 Oct 2012|10:00am]
It Happens...

Submitted by: _C_A_T_ (via humortrain.com)

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Wot? [26 Oct 2012|11:00am]

LoL by: Sylviag

Tagged: what? , type , laptop , computer , Cats , captions , words , lazy
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Halloween Pet Parade: Sigsbee at Fantasy Fest Zombie Bike Ride [26 Oct 2012|12:00pm]
Halloween Pet Parade: Sigsbee at Fantasy Fest Zombie Bike Ride
Waycooltoadstool, this is one amazing (and scary) dog costume! Well done! Did you make this yourself? Thank you for your AWESEOME costume submission, waycooltoadstool! And thank you to all of the Cheezfrends who've submitted pet costumes so far. You can see all of the submissions so far here. If you haven't yet submitted a photo, read more here. We will continue to update Halloween Costume Parade as you send in submissions, and we will also continue to publish some of our favorite submissions right here on I Can Has Cheezburger!
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Cats Republic: A Kitteh Café [26 Oct 2012|01:00pm]
Cats Republic: A Kitteh Café
The cats of The Hermitage aren't the only famous felines in St. Petersburg, Russia anymore! Cats Republic is a café with a twist: it has resident kittehs for patrons to play with every time they visit! To make sure no harm befalls these friendly felines, visitors are required to apply for a Visa in order to be granted entry into the coffee/cat haven. Regulars have "adopted" their favorite cats among the resident bunch of kitties, and there's even a wall where visitors can measure their height in cats! Sounds like a pretty darling place to grab a drink, if you ask me! You can learn more about Cats Republic here.

LoL by: Unknown (via Catsparella)

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A Catdidate We Can Believe In! [26 Oct 2012|02:00pm]

Submitted by: Unknown

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Cheezburger is Celebrating National Cat Day on Anderson Live! [26 Oct 2012|03:00pm]
Cheezburger is Celebrating National Cat Day on Anderson Live!
*Anderson Live* is having a cat contest for National Cat Day! Here's one of our favorite kittehs from the contest!! Tune in to *Anderson Live* Monday to help us celebrate!

LoL by: Unknown

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I Know That Feel, Horsey Friend [26 Oct 2012|04:00pm]
I Know That Feel, Horsey Friend

LoL by: Unknown (via The Other Opinion)

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I'm Purring... FOR SCIENCE! [26 Oct 2012|05:00pm]
I'm Purring... FOR SCIENCE!
Relativity (noun): A cat's feelings of affection toward its human at ANY. GIVEN. MOMENT.

LoL by: Unknown (via Catasters)

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Fetch for Lazy Dogs [26 Oct 2012|06:00pm]

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: dogs , Video! , fetch , lazy , stairs , balls
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[ viewing | October 26th, 2012 ]
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