I Can Has Cheezburger?'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
I Can Has Cheezburger?

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Meowloween Kitteh of teh Day: I Put a Spell on You (As Revenge for Dressing Me Up Like This) [27 Oct 2012|12:00am]
Meowloween Kitteh of teh Day: I Put a Spell on You (As Revenge for Dressing Me Up Like This)
Join us for MOAR Meowloween cuteness and hilarity in the week leading up to Halloween! Clik heer 2 add a funneh capshun!

LoL by: Unknown

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Ai wunner... [27 Oct 2012|02:00am]
Ai wunner...

LoL by: Sissy

Tagged: pretend , spider , dead? , Cats , captions
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#hamsterproblems [27 Oct 2012|04:00am]

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: hamster , rodent , wheel , Fail! , fall , gif
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I've Heard Them All [27 Oct 2012|06:00am]
I've Heard Them All

LoL by: OneSkunkTodd

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Printed Lady [27 Oct 2012|08:00am]
Printed Lady
The only thing missing from this squee Butterfly is a tiara, because it's so lovely! Life's too short to avoid the *SPLORT*! Visit Daily Squee for your daily cuteness!

Squee! Spotter: sixonefive72

Tagged: squee , butterfly , flowers , bug , insect , wings
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It iz really warm down here [27 Oct 2012|10:00am]
It iz really warm down here
You know, cats are not the only ones that love to sit
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a [...] http://profile.cheezburger.com/pdiddyent/">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<p class="ljsyndicationlink"><a href="http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ICanHasCheezburger/~3/yIw953eIbys/6705555456">http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ICanHasCheezburger/~3/yIw953eIbys/6705555456</a></p><p class="ljsyndicationlink"><a href="http://cheezburger.com/6705555456">http://cheezburger.com/6705555456</a></p><div> <img class='event-item-lol-image' src='https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/10/26/20vb_H9KQEiXuvgrY8y1Ig2.jpg' id='_r_a_6705555456' width="500" height="334" alt="It iz really warm down here" title="It iz really warm down here" /> </div> <div> You know, cats are not the only ones that love to sit <a href="http://icanhas.cheezburger.com/tag/if-i-fits-i-sits" target="_blank >wherever they can fit</a>. </div> <div> <p> Submitted by: <a href="http://profile.cheezburger.com/pdiddyent/">pdiddyent</a> </p> </div> <div> Tagged: <a href="http://icanhas.cheezburger.com/tag/chicken">chicken</a> , <a href="http://icanhas.cheezburger.com/tag/puppy">puppy</a> , <a href="http://icanhas.cheezburger.com/tag/if-it-fits-i-sits">if it fits i sits</a> </div> <div> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3a%2f%2fcheezburger.com%2f6705555456" target="_blank">Share on Facebook</a> </div><div class="feedflare"> <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/ICanHasCheezburger?a=yIw953eIbys:bLK7NAp6jlo:qj6IDK7rITs"><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/ICanHasCheezburger?d=qj6IDK7rITs" border="0"></img></a> </div><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/ICanHasCheezburger/~4/yIw953eIbys" height="1" width="1"/>
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Cheezburger is Celebrating National Cat Day on Anderson Live! [27 Oct 2012|12:00pm]
Cheezburger is Celebrating National Cat Day on Anderson Live!
*Anderson Live* is having a cat contest for National Cat Day! Here's another one of our favorite kittehs from the contest!! Tune in to *Anderson Live* Monday to help us celebrate!

LoL by: Unknown

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Zoo Staffers Resuscitate Newborn Tapir [27 Oct 2012|01:00pm]
From The Associated Press:
A newborn Malayan tapir calf is alive after two Denver Zoo staff members freed the unresponsive infant from inside its amniotic sac and provided mouth to snout rescue breaths. The scene was captured on the zoo's camera. (Oct. 19)

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: tapirs , rescue , zoo , resuscitation , zoos , heroes , WIN!
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I can haz Head & Shoulders? [27 Oct 2012|02:00pm]
I can haz  Head & Shoulders?

LoL by: Kristen

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Shark, Go Home. You're Drunk. [27 Oct 2012|04:00pm]
Shark, Go Home. You're Drunk.

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: shark , ocean , water , drunk , you're drunk , gif
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[ viewing | October 27th, 2012 ]
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