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Date: 2009-01-15 09:27
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Well, I both fell off the diet wagon and missed updating yesterday and Tuesday. I didn't have time on Tuesday because I was at work and school all day...and even though I had computer access, I had other things to do. I have less of an excuse for missing yesterday because I was at home all day and because I was actually on Scribbld for quite a while, but I was fiddling with a layout and never got around to posting. I'm thinking of moving my coloured photos over to Scribbld, simply because I think it's time for a change. So, in anticipation of the move, I've been trying to modify an S2 layout to be less ugly. Oh Scribbld, why, why, why don't you have Flexible Squares as an S2 option?

I'll likely be offline all weekend. I may get the chance to log in on Saturday to do some fiddling with the layout, but I likely won't post. I'm spending tonight at a friends and then the rest of the weekend with family a little bit out of town, so my computer acccess is sort of limited. Stupid cold weather and bus strike.

About falling off the diet: It's hard to eat properly. I'm not at home during the days, and adding a lunch to my already overstuffed bag just doesn't work. So I end up eating at work, or on campus, and the food just isn't good. I'm trying, but it's hard. Hopefully next week will be nicer (we're suffering from some serious windchill this week) and I'll be able to walk to and from work and classes again.

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my journal
January 2009