雨のオーケストラ -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
ジェン - a.k.a. Jen

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New journal! [28 Jan 2008|02:49pm]



xx1. Comment here first, please.
xx2. No homophobic/racial/gender/religious/etc. slurs.
xx3. I tend to be impersonal. Deal with it!
xx4. Please feel free to express your opinions as long as you use a thing called TACT. It works wonders.
xx5. I sometimes post my own writings/artwork. Don't get any ideas. If I find you've copied me, I'll send my army of j-rock-crazed-fangirl minions after you. You will feel pain.
xx6. Please be respectful of other people who comment my journal.
xx7. I don't do friends cuts, and I might not post terribly often. Just stick with me, 'kay?
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