she moves through moonbeams slowly - breathe deep and easy.

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June 22nd, 2008

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10:10 pm - breathe deep and easy.
1) this morning, my mom told me and my brother that our family had to "eat more fruits and vegetables." so we picked what fruit we wanted with dinner. then, me and my mom went tanning, then to wegmans.
my mom is the most annoying person to do grocery shopping with.
she's used to going by herself so there's never room for me to stand somewhere. so i just kinda chill and block the aisles. and she constantly backs up when i'm behind her and makes sudden turns. all sorts of stuff. it drives me crazy. so i was standing behind her just being miserable. and i was looking at the back of her shirt and it seemed kinda weird. so finally i said, "is your shirt on backwards?"
and it was. she put it on backwards when she was done tanning. it was so embarassing. i don't think anyone else noticed though.
then when we were in the checkout line, we spent like $5 on discontinued candy because it was on sale.

2) Rise Against are currently working on another album. i'm so excited. you don't understand.
i still have to get the This is Noise came out in january...but it's digital only. jerks.
but it used to only be available in canada. so i'm happy.

i kinda wanna move to canada when i'm older.


oh and...i had this really creepy/scary dream last night.
i was watching the discovery channel in my living room and it was about how the world's gonna end. and it sped up what would happen to the oceans so it would all be crammed into 4 days. so on day one, the guy says that there will be a huge tidal wave, then the ocean level will drop. and the tv shows the oceans swelling and people screaming. then the water level drops and people are stranded on huge cliffs and it shows this terrible ocean below them. and then it zooms in on this guy in his car, stuck on a ledge. and he's screaming and his skin is turning brownish tan and papery. and it just stays on that. and you can see the ocean 100 feet below just churning and looking violent.
then it talks about day 2. and all of a sudden, i'm there and it's actually happening to me. i don't know where the rest of my family was. but we lived in a house on the lake. on an isthmus. so there was lake on either side of the house. and the water level's rising again. this random family drives up and asks if they can stay there too. so i said yes but that it wasn't safe. and i was gonna go walk down the road back to the mainland but it was flooding. so now the water's up to the porch. i'm crying and my sister calls my cell phone. so i start crying into the phone and telling her that i love her and to tell everyone else that i love them too because i knew i was gonna die. the last thing i saw was the water rising out the window.

then i woke up in a cold sweat.

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[User Picture]
Date:June 23rd, 2008 04:29 am (UTC)
to the entire entry:
BAHAHAHAH i love you.
yeah the end.
[User Picture]
Date:June 23rd, 2008 04:47 am (UTC)
okay except that last part that you JUST added.
that's scary and i'm sorry and i love you and YOU BETTER CALL ME IF THE WORLD ENDS.

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