Dark Puck - February 23rd, 2008 [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]

February 23rd, 2008

February 23rd, 2008
02:17 pm
[User Picture]


And that's the last of the available chapters.
Title: Time Warp
Fandom: Dresden Files/Sailor Moon R
Rating: PG-13
Genre: General/Maho Shoujo
Summary: When a Sailor Senshi and a noble of Nemesis are kidnapped, the men who care for them go to one Harry Dresden for help in finding them, in the process uncovering a plot that could destroy a good part of the world. What the men don't realise is that the missing women aren't about to sit around and wait for rescue...

Current Location: my dad's chair
Current Mood: hungry
Current Music: Serenity - Mustin (FF7 OC Remix)
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02:24 pm
[User Picture]


Blood Lines Update
Title: Blood Lines
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG-13
Genre: General
Summary: A young child from the Fire Nation colonies stumbles across the Gaang and is swept along for the ride. AU as of 3x14, The Boiling Rock.

Chapter 3 )

Current Location: my dad's chair
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Damn Those Turks! - Daniel Baranowsky (FF7 OC Remix)
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09:54 pm
[User Picture]


Mob Job
Title: Hendricks
Fandom: The Dresden Files (Mob Job)
Rating: PG
Genre: General/Introspection
Summary: The thoughts of "Cujo" Hendricks sometime after Death Masks
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files and most of the characters mentioned herein are the property of one (1) Jim Butcher.  Throwaway Bodyguard #2 referred to here as "Spike" because damned if we ever learn his real name.  The character of Fenrir Sullivan is mine, however, and brought up solely to please my twisted sense of humour.

Current Location: my dad's chair
Current Mood: bouncy
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11:18 pm
[User Picture]


Golden Sun Fic
Title: Quest for Retrieval
Fandom: Golden Sun
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action/Adventure
Summary: Alex is alive, though he can no longer use his Psynergy. Now he's on a quest to get his power back, and he needs four Adepts of each element to do it. Unfortunately for him, Saturos and Menardi are also alive. And they're not happy with him...

prologue )

Current Location: my dad's chair
Current Mood: awake
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11:31 pm
[User Picture]


Title: Quest for Retrieval
Fandom: Golden Sun
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action/Adventure
Summary: Alex is alive, though he can no longer use his Psynergy. Now he's on a quest to get his power back, and he needs four Adepts of each element to do it. Unfortunately for him, Saturos and Menardi are also alive. And they're not happy with him...

Current Location: my dad's chair
Current Mood: cold
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