Dark Puck - June 5th, 2008 [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]

June 5th, 2008

June 5th, 2008
11:08 am
[User Picture]


Time of the Turning Prologue
Title: Time of the Turning
Co-Author: Quietly Making Noise
Fandom: The Matrix Trilogy
Rating: PG-16
Genre: Action, Character
Warning: Bad language, foreign languages, info-dump in the prologue, OCs and Fourth-ary Characters with Personalities Pastede-On Yey
Summary: This is a story of the first Exiles.  This is a story of the first rebels.  This is a story of the first One.  This is a story of how  the lives of these characters all intersect one another from start to finish, leading inexorably to the awakening of the One...

Prologue )

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Star Hunter - Sailor Stars musical
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11:22 am
[User Picture]


Time of the Turning First Chapter
Title: Time of the Turning
Co-Author: Quietly Making Noise
The Matrix Trilogy
PG-13 (language)
Action, Character
Warning: Bad language, foreign languages, info-dump in the prologue, OCs and Fourth-ary Characters with Personalities Pastede-On Yey
This is a story of the first Exiles. This is a story of the first rebels. This is a story of the first One. This is a story of how the lives of these characters all intersect one another from start to finish, leading inexorably to the awakening of the One...


Chapter One )

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Sailor Busters - Sailor Stars Musical
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