Dark Puck - July 14th, 2008 [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]

July 14th, 2008

July 14th, 2008
09:56 am
[User Picture]


Roulette 6 part one
Title: Roulette
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG-16 (language and violence)
Genre: AU, Action, Intrigue, Romance (in that the story focuses largely on character interactions)
Co-Author: Eleanor
Summary: After the theft of her family's ostrich-horse, Song decides to track down the two men responsible, and stumbles across a fragile boy in dire need of help.  This chance meeting touches off a chain of events that leads Song to the capital of the Fire Nation just as the final battle is ending, where her skills as a doctor are greatly needed.  Just when it seems as though life is settling into a comfortable routine, however, the Dai Li start causing trouble -- and nobody knows who is pulling the strings...
Warnings: Longfic is long, and will eventually span twenty years or so.  Contains a Xanatos Roulette.  OCs abound.  Noncanon pairings.  Deviates from canon before Sozin's Comet.


Part Two over here.

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: the voices in my head
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09:59 am
[User Picture]


Roulette 6 part two
Title: Roulette
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG-16 (language and violence)
Genre: AU, Action, Intrigue, Romance (in that the story focuses largely on character interactions)
Co-Author: Eleanor
Summary: After the theft of her family's ostrich-horse, Song decides to track down the two men responsible, and stumbles across a fragile boy in dire need of help.  This chance meeting touches off a chain of events that leads Song to the capital of the Fire Nation just as the final battle is ending, where her skills as a doctor are greatly needed.  Just when it seems as though life is settling into a comfortable routine, however, the Dai Li start causing trouble -- and nobody knows who is pulling the strings...
Warnings: Longfic is long, and will eventually span twenty years or so.  Contains a Xanatos Roulette.  OCs abound.  Noncanon pairings.  Deviates from canon before Sozin's Comet.

Continued from here.

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: annoyed
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10:03 am
[User Picture]


Small Flame Six
Title: Small Flame
Authors: Eleanor and Puck
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG?
Summary: A retelling of the tv-series with one major difference: A boy named Kouji is added to Zuko's retinue, and the story is largely told from his point of view. And if anyone can come up with a better summary, PLEASE. Do so.

And now we move on into Season 2!

Yay! )

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: bitchy
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10:34 am
[User Picture]


Magicbending Eleven
Title: Magicbending
Authors: Eleanor and Puck
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover
Summary: Haru, Teo, and Zuko are accidentally Portkeyed to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hilarity Ensues.
Warning: Takes place after the Firebending Masters. Includes some of my personal crackship because I refuse to let it go. Ever. To that effect, the events of Just One Night are considered canon to this fic. Some parts of the story are from necessity lifted directly from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Neither of us is precisely thrilled about it, but it had to be done. There are several events where the Avatar characters' presence will not interfere with the actual outcome. The point is not to demonstrate to the Potter cast that they are doing it wrong, but to show how the Avatar cast would adapt to this strange new world.
Note: This was started before the events of The Boiling Rock. Therefore those two episodes have no effect on this fic. As you were.

Elventy-One! )

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: bouncy
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10:36 am
[User Picture]


Magicbending Eleven
Title: Magicbending
Authors: Eleanor and Puck
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover
Summary: Haru, Teo, and Zuko are accidentally Portkeyed to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hilarity Ensues.
Warning: Takes place after the Firebending Masters. Includes some of my personal crackship because I refuse to let it go. Ever. To that effect, the events of Just One Night are considered canon to this fic. Some parts of the story are from necessity lifted directly from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Neither of us is precisely thrilled about it, but it had to be done. There are several events where the Avatar characters' presence will not interfere with the actual outcome. The point is not to demonstrate to the Potter cast that they are doing it wrong, but to show how the Avatar cast would adapt to this strange new world.
Note: This was started before the events of The Boiling Rock. Therefore those two episodes have no effect on this fic. As you were.

Continued from here.

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