Dark Puck - May 11th, 2009 [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]

May 11th, 2009

May 11th, 2009
09:55 am
[User Picture]


Soldier's Boy 27 and notes on other things.
Yes, I know it's been awhile.  Yes, I know I suck.  But you know what?  It isn't like anyone is reading this, anyway, so why bother to update?

For anyone who gives a damn (all one of you), Small Flame is on hiatus until June, since there's exams of doom and I'm heading home for the summer.  Soldier's Boy is going on hiatus after this chapter  and will resume updating with Small FlameRoulette is cancelled unless a miracle happens and I recover the logs/buffer.  Magicbending will hopefully resume after Small Flame; there is a possibility of a new AU after Soldier's Boy called The Humane Solution (more on that later).

Head Games is not dependent upon matching schedules and will update as I so please.

So, without further ado, Soldier's Boy 27.

Title: Soldier's Boy
Authors: Eleanor and Puck
Rating: PGish for now, may rise due to language used.
Genre: AU, picking up right around the end of 1x09 (The Waterbending Scroll) and continues from there.
Summary: During an encounter with pirates, the gaang picks up two new allies: A swordsman named Lee and his younger earthbending brother, Jiro. The sons of a Fire Nation soldier and a woman of the Earth Kingdom, they both seem quite willing to help the Avatar and his friends - but both of them are hiding things, from the gaang and from each other.

One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten
Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen
Sixteen | Seventeen | Eighteen | Nineteen | Twenty
Twenty-One | Twenty-Two | Twenty-Three | Twenty-Four
Interlude: The Tales of Ba Sing Se
Jet's Tale | Kouji's Tale | Lee's Tale
Twenty-Five | Twenty-Six

Current Location: ARC Cafeteria
Current Mood: cold - wtf is with this AC?
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